is alive and knows your name!
is real. He knows your name and your situation and loves you. He
is not far off, distant from you. He wants you to know that He is
alive and willing to help you, and that if you desire to know Him,
you can. If you ask Him to help you, He will. If you talk to Him,
He will listen, and He will talk to you.
is the reason you have this writing, because He told us to write
it for you, and He made sure that it got to you. He knows all about
you, from the start of your life until this very moment, and has
compassionate sympathy for you, and your weaknesses and your problems.
He will help you if you ask Him. He never intended for you to be
alone. He has always wanted you to know Him. This is why He made
you, for the purpose of friendship with you. You can trust Him,
because to Him, friendship is deep, and loving, and eternal. He
will never leave you. All you have to do is be yourself and
talk to Jesus, and He will answer you and help you and then you
can get to know Him. He is watching you read this, full of love
for you.
is written to explain why Jesus came and laid down His life for
us. It explains that death was necessary in response to sin, and
why He chose to make that death His own. He did it
for you because He loves you.
Sacrifice: Like Father, Like Son
one in the history of the world, other than Jesus, has been without
sin. Sin is a powerful force, which leads to death. Sin destroys.
It moves from person to person, nation to nation. Sin causes pain
and harm to all. Sin is our own choice. We are all guilty of sin.
It cannot enter heaven, for if God did allow sin to enter heaven,
then heaven would become like the earth, full of violence and evil
outcome of sin is death. Only death can equal death
so it takes death to match sin. Each of us sins, therefore we are
the ones who should die, but for years God allowed an animal's death
to be substituted temporarily for mans' death. By their blood sacrifices,
offered in obedience, Adam (after sin entered him), Job, Abraham,
Moses, and others, were able to have a relationship with God. They
knew Him while they were on earth, and they know Him now. They love
Him. They talked with Him, and He loves them and He talked with
them. He wants the same relationship with you.
man has tried to have a relationship with God through some other
way than the way God intended. Adam's son, Cain, gave an offering
of vegetables, instead of an animal. However, the Father didn't
receive Cain's sacrifice, because there was no provision for sin
in it. It didn't matter if Cain had a good attitude or a bad attitude
towards God, if his sacrifice was not sufficient to provide atonement
for sin.
doesn't really understand sin. To us sin is just a religious word.
Many don't see why anything should be done about sin, but God realizes
how selfish and hurtful and powerful it is, and what a terrible
suffering it causes to all of us. It is because of sin that people
go to hell, which is a place of separation from God. In heaven we
will be face to face with God. There we will be free from sin and
its power and effects, in a place where selfless love flows.
is wise, and because of His deep wisdom He is always right in what
He says. If we don't heed Him and go the way He provided, then because
of sin He must withdraw and turn away from us. He is pure and without
sin and will not be marred by sin. If you remain in sin, without
a provision for it, you separate yourself from Him, and He cannot
draw near, even though He yearns to draw near to you so that
you might know Him. To know God, there must be provision
for your sin.
centuries, mankind offered animal sacrifices to God for their sin,
which had to be offered over and over. Many felt that God was distant
from them and few really knew Him well. Often people did religious
acts hoping to win His favor. Being religious and doing religious
acts makes people feel good about themselves, and of course there
is value in helping one another because we are all God's creation,
but religious acts are not the same as knowing God for yourself.
We are created in God's image and He is like us, only without sin.
He is a loving Being who thinks, feels, loves, weeps, laughs, and
cares. He created us to know Him. Adam knew Him, as did Moses, Abraham,
Job, and many others, and He considers each of them to be His friends.
Each of them is alive and knows Him now. They are with Him now,
in heaven, as He promises you eventually will be, after you come
to know Him.
Father knew that animal sacrifices are not enough. Man began to
lose sight of knowing God into becoming satisfied with religious
acts. As amazing as it is, God decided to come to earth Himself,
as a man, to pay the penalty for sin, once for all, so ALL
men can have a relationship with Him. The penalty for sin would
be eternally met, (as painful and tortuous to Himself as it was)
and mankind would no longer have to offer, again and again, the
blood of animals.
is who Jesus is and why He came. He is God, come to earth, to provide
an eternal sacrifice for all men, so that whosoever will
may come to the Father through His death, His own blood sacrifice
for our sin. Jesus was and is without sin, so the offering He gave
to the Father was acceptable. His death was the perfect sacrifice.
He died with our sin on Him. His loving sacrifice was sufficient
in every way, to atone for sin, and to make a bridge between man
and God, so that we might come back to the Father again.
is compassionate, beautiful, kind, and loving. The consequences
of our sin could have been our destruction, as the whole world was
destroyed in Noah's day. God could have caused mankind to cease
to exist at all. The sacrifice He made, in order to prevent our
destruction and to restore us to Himself, was entirely voluntary
on His part. Jesus is God Almighty. He is a free Being. Who could
prevent Him from destroying us? Who could force Him to come and
lay down His life for us? People often think that it was God's duty
to save us from ourselves. No, it was not duty, but nobility. We
can hardly comprehend the kind of love that He has, which caused
Him to offer Himself in our place. If we lived a million years,
we would never deserve what Jesus did for us. Jesus is gentle, yet
powerful. He has absolute power over death. This was proven when
Jesus brought Himself back to life after He was killed.
is finished
that Jesus' life has been taken, the Father is no longer willing
for man to come any other way, whether it is by the blood of animals,
another religion, philosophy, or belief system. The veil in the
temple, leading into the holiest room, set aside for God alone,
was torn from top to bottom (from heaven to earth) by God's hand
while Jesus was on the cross, opening the way into God's presence.
Jesus said at that time, "It is finished".
Death was required in response to sin, and it was His own beloved
Son's death that the Father witnessed and received, for our sin.
will feel His presence
good news is that you no longer have to feel that God is
distant, but you can come to the Father, and in humility ask Him
to apply the sacrifice of Jesus to your sin, and He gladly will.
Then you can talk to Him, and He will talk to you, and enter
into a relationship with you that will never end. In the days to
come, He will be close to you, no matter what comes into your life
personally, or onto the entire world. He will stay with you and
love you and help you.
will make Himself known to you by His Holy Spirit. You will feel
His presence, and He will answer your prayers. You will begin to
get to know Jesus, who is full of love and good humor, and wisdom
and kindness. He will help you to think clearly, with right thinking,
about your life and the world. As you talk to Him and He to you,
He will draw very close to you. Not only can you talk to Him about
your own life, but also He will show you His thoughts and
His plans, and all that is on His heart, just as you know
and understand the feelings and thoughts from the heart of any friend
whom you know. Eventually, He will bring you to heaven to be with
Him forever. In the meantime, while on earth, you can know Him well.
Knowing Jesus is not about going to church, because those who love
Him and know Him ARE His church. Trust Jesus, and He will show you
what He wants you to do. The Bible was written through the Holy
Spirit for our sakes, but was not meant to take the place of knowing
Him. The Bible truly is the word of God, and it leads to Jesus who
loves you and died for you and who is near you right now, wanting
you to know Him.
that you have read this, you can understand that Jesus death
on the cross was out of love for you. It was for your sin
He died, because He desires freedom for you. He loves you, and is
waiting for you to talk to Him, and for you to hear His voice and
feel His presence. He paid the penalty for your sin, even though
you dont really understand it. You can trust Him. Over time,
He will show you the sin in your life, and will lead you away from
it. Never again will you be alone, because your Friend and your
God will be with you at all times, in all things, loving you and
helping you. May God bless you abundantly, dearly beloved. When
you begin to talk to Jesus, and He to you, we would like very much
to hear from you. If you have questions, first ask Him, then
feel free to write to us, with questions or comments.
Table of the Remnant
P.O. Box 2987
Moriarty, NM 87035
A message to you from the Father:
The Father invites the lambs who come to Him, to
read the Picture Bible, which lays out simply, with illustrations,
each book in the Bible. Even mature believers in Jesus have found
the Picture Bible refreshing to their spirit. The Father will use
this Bible to lay a foundation as to who He is, what He has done,
and why He did it. After reading the Picture Bible, the New International
Version (NIV) Bible is easy to understand. The Bible was given to
us for our sakes, so we can understand who God is, and come to love
Him and know Him, just as He always planned. As you read, the Holy
Spirit will be close, and He will speak to you, and teach you. If
you have any questions, feel free to write to us at any time.
With love in
The Table of the Remnant