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The Holy Spirit Reveals Gender of Children in the Womb

By the Holy Spirit, Silvana has discernment concerning children in the womb, and whether they are girls or boys. There have been over 25 incidences in a row of Silvana correctly foretelling the sex of the baby before it was born. One time a pregnant sister-in-Jesus, who had no signs of labor, asked Silvana to pray for her, that Jesus would bring about the birth of her baby quickly. Silvana laid hands on the mom's belly, and told the little girl to "come out". The woman went into labor that day, and had her daughter after one hour of labor. One time Silvana not only told another mother that she was carrying a little girl, but also correctly foretold on which day she would be born.

One time Silvana told a woman she was pregnant before she realized it herself, but later it turned out to be true. This is a sign from the Holy Spirit that He is present.

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