On October 10, 1991, the Holy Spirit said to Silvana that there would be a "conflagration" in the world. She saw fires going from the west to the east in the United States. Within two weeks, there were fires in seven western states. Soon there were fires all over the USA, and then there were fires in nine eastern states. Here are some of the fires which followed in the United States, which are documented in the newspapers and on the television news in the USA.
Check also your own newspaper archives and see if there were any fires in your area during this season, and ask the Holy Spirit why He was bringing this judgment, and He will show you the truth. Many times events occur in the world, and no one realizes the involvement of the Holy Spirit. On this occasion, He spoke ahead of time to one of His prophets concerning what was to come.con·fla·gra·tion
Pronunciation: "kän-fl&-'grA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin conflagration-, conflagratio, from conflagrare
Date: circa 1656
1 : FIRE; especially : a large disastrous fire
10-21-91 Fires raging in seven western states of the USA - Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. Reports say that 260,000 acres have been destroyed so far.
10-26-91 Over 1,000 homes destroyed in Oakland, California. An Oakland fireman was quoted as saying, "I've never seen anything like this." A reporter said of the Oakland fire, "This is one of the worst blazes in US history." The death total in Oakland so far: 24.
10-21-91 Firefighter are fighting fires in Virginia.
10-25-91 Five churches in Florida are destroyed by fire (arson) this week.
10-30-91 In Detroit, Illinois, a curfew is declared. October 30th was claimed to be "Devil's Night" or "Mischief Night" by Satanists, who use this night to set fires. Bands of citizens planned to walk the street to protect their neighborhoods.
10-31-91 Camden, Michagan 147 fires were set on "Mischief Night". The area was declared a disaster area.
10-31-91 Detroit, Illinois 125 fires were started last night.
11-2-91 Fire in Madison, West Virginia.
11-2-91 There are fires in 9 eastern states of the USA.
11-8-91 CNN news reports a fire in a church in Jacksonville, Florida.
11-16-91 A fire in a Philadelphia petroleum plant - CNN (an American news service) calls it a "raging inferno".
11-25-91 Brush fire in Los Angeles area destroys 1000 acres.
11-29-91 600 acre fire in California.
12-13-91 $500,000 damage caused by fire at Byers Hall at Yale University.
12-13-91 $400,000 damage caused by fire at Hewitt, Texas school.
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