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We are finishing posting the last post in a series that the Father directed us to put on over 700 message boards. This series has been posted to demonstrate to all that Jesus is with President George W. Bush, as shown by his words and actions. All believers should understand that by the grace of God, we are returning to being a nation under God once again. The first post in the series was the President's first order in office, which was a national call to prayer and thanksgiving to God, the second was his Inaugural Address, and the third was President Bush speaking to pro-life demonstrators. The final post in this brief series is the prophecy, "Dance Before The Ark" given from the Holy Spirit as we rejoice before Him. 
We are also putting together the sequence of THE CALL TO ARMS, which began when the Holy Spirit gave the prophecy, "Run To Goshen" and ended with the prophecy, "Dance Before the Ark". It is the story of the United States' foundation in God, and the Father's involvement in our national redemption, becoming once again a nation under Him. The Journal of the Remnant, containing the writings of the last eleven to twelve years is also being constructed. Also we are changing the website into one which will be called "Table of the Remnant".
The Father has spoken to us of these many changes. He said, "As I said: to the church first, then the world". The series, "God's Warning to the Church" was His word to the church. The season of warning to the church ended with the prophecy, "Take the Crosses Down". Now, the Holy Spirit begins to move in the world, having started first with the United States of America.  His purpose is to prepare the world for the return of Jesus to the earth. He looks into all the nations of the world, and will warn and call them, just as He did the church. 
We have been hearing positively from ministers and pastors and reverends as never before. There is a new time upon the earth. In this new season of green, with fertile ground, the Holy Spirit will move and will be heard where He was once rejected. Today (January 30, 2001) the Father spoke to Silvana and said that in this new green of a the nation under God, that the seeds planted by those who love, obey, and know Jesus, (those who hear His voice) will take hold and spring up. Knowing Jesus is the seed which we are planting. He said that it is as if we, the remnant, are a collective John Chapman, ("Johnny Appleseed") who loved the Father, and whose plantings resulted in an abundance of apple orchards. What a wonderful thought! There will be reception for the things of God in this nation, where once they were buried in shame under our national rejection of Jesus. Many orchards which Johnny Appleseed planted still remain to this day, and the trees and orchards which grow up now in the spirit will remain after Jesus has returned to the earth. 
We have much to do. Jesus is moving as never before. Each of these projects are only a portion of what is on the table of the remnant. Pray that we may accomplish all the Father desires.
With love in Jesus,
Char Tierney
Apostle and Administrator
Table of the Remnant
January 30, 2001
Johnny Appleseed's manner of operation was simple. He went into the wilderness with a bag of apple seeds on his back until he found a likely spot for planting. There he would clear the  land by chopping out weeds and brush by hand. Then he planted his apple seeds in neat rows and built a brush fence around the area to keep out straying animals. His nurseries varied in size. Some were only an acre or so, others covered many acres. He had caught a vision of the wilderness blossoming with apple trees, orchard after orchard of carefully nurtured trees, whose fragrant blossoms gave promise of a fruitful harvest for the settlers. Willingly he endured the hardships of his wilderness life as he worked to make his dream come true. John Chapman never married, but he loved people and especially children. As the settlers moved into the wilderness, his lonely nights were fewer because he was a welcomed guest at every cabin. Many a night after the simple meal, he would hold them all enthralled with his stories or read to them from the Bible or from some of the religious material he carried.        FROM: