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The word 'prophet' comes from the root word, 'phet' means to speak, and the word 'pro' means for something. So, a pro-phet is someone who speaks for someone. The Father's prophets are those who speak for Him, by the Holy Spirit, concerning... whatever He wishes. Sometimes people mistakenly think that prophecy is only about the future, and that prophets only speak of the future. It could be about the future, but it doesn't have to be. When a prophet speaks of the future, the Father says that if what the 'prophet' says about the future does not come true, then the prophet, does NOT speak for Him, and therefore is not His prophet. However, sometimes what is spoken of does not occur for years and years. This is what happened with some of the Old Testament prophets who spoke of the Messiah who was to come, and years later some of their prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus. Some of their prophecies remain to be fulfilled.

Some people say, "You cannot give a prophecy about others, because you cannot judge them". As far as judging others, it is true that we not only have no right to judge others, and if we did we would not even know what we were talking about, because how could we see another person's heart? But, the Holy Spirit who does see the heart, sometimes shows His servants what He sees. Peter rebuked Simon the magician, (recorded in Acts) and then Peter told him what was in his heart. Peter did this by the Holy Spirit. Paul rebuked Peter publicly because Peter was doing wrong. Speaking the truth in love is not judgment. This is what prophets (or any other who speaks from the Father) do, although they are frequently misunderstood and accused because of it.

We all have a sure way to know if a prophecy is from the Father, and that is to ASK HIM. The apostle John says, "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God..... They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood." (I John 4) Christians often think that you need to "test the spirits" by comparing prophecy to Scripture, but John shows that you must test what you hear and see by God Himself, who wrote the Scriptures. Satan quoted the Bible, and yet Jesus was able to discern the truth. We also, by the Holy Spirit, must know the truth by knowing Him and asking Him.

If you are amazed at the scope or the tone or the words of any prophecy, then you should ask the Father if it is from Him, and what He means by it. The Father understands if we wonder, but we must seek Him out for the truth. The Father told me that any who will not ask Him if a prophecy is from Him, but reject because of their own interpretation, without asking Him and waiting for Him to speak to them, are in danger of being found to be rejecting His Spirit, and when the final cut between "the wheat and the tares" occurs, they will be rejected. They reject because they already have their own religious opinion, which they prefer to keep.

This final phase, the separation of wheat and tares, is very close. We who love Jesus, and hear His voice, must be determined to not give one iota of ground to these religious people, who would leave Jesus out, and have their own religious rules and interpretations in the place of wisdom from the living Jesus, who should be their vine. If anyone is disconnected from Him - and He is alive and speaks! - then they are in serious danger. They will not be found worthy to be a part of His obedient army in the days to come. Jesus will pour out His Spirit only on those who desire His will and His opinion enough to come to Him to learn what it is. When He does give His Holy Spirit in greater measure, all who receive Him will speak powerful words, much of which will be warnings and teachings, which will be rejected by these same religious minds. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to seek out the Father, and be found hearing His voice, and knowing His will. Those who love Him will seek Him out for themselves.

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