The Holy Spirit has been giving revelations to us, and others around the world, for some time now, about what it will be like after Jesus returns to the earth. It is not surprising that the Holy Spirit would want to show us (by us, I mean any of His remnant) what is coming. In the past, He has been faithful to show things concerning the return of Jesus. Since Jesus will return shortly, it is not surprising that the Holy Spirit would want to show us how we will serve Him, and what will be occurring at that time. As the Father said to Amos, "Shall I do anything without showing My servants the prophets?" We (His remnant) are His servants, and we love Him. We spent our lives serving Him now, we will not stop after we leave this body. He loves us and wants us to know what He is doing, and what is coming on the earth, and in the heavenlies, and in eternity. No man can know what is coming but the Holy Spirit reveals it, as Paul pointed out in I Corinthians 2:10.
Paul says in Ephesians 4:8, that "Jesus ascended on high, with captives in His train". The Holy Spirit said that the captives were some of those to whom He had been preaching, before He ascended. They ascended with Him (in His train) and with Him they came from hell to paradise.
In I Peter 3:19,20 Peter tells to whom Jesus had been preaching. It says there, "He (Jesus) went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built." So these captives who ascended were the people who had been alive when Noah built the ark. They had been in hell for a few thousand years.
In I Peter 4: 6, Peter explains that the gospel was preached to those who are dead, "so that they might be judged for their deeds in the body, but live according to God, in regard to the spirit." The Holy Spirit said that they went to hell for their deeds, but they were given opportunity through the preaching of Jesus, to come out of hell. Now He has been showing that people will be teaching and preaching to those who are on the earth, and to those who are in paradise, which surrounds heaven, and to those who are in hell now.
Children who die go to paradise. People who die on their beds with sincere "deathbed confessions" go to paradise. The thief on the cross went to paradise. Who raises them up to know the truth? Angels and humans who have gone before us, teach these children, and those who did not learn on earth of Jesus and His sacrifice, and what it means. Of course it is much better in paradise than on earth, since there is no sin present, and Jesus is there.
Those who are on earth after Jesus returns will not automatically know about Him, and the Father, and what He expects of us. Jesus will return, but in order for the knowledge of the Father to cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea, men will have to be taught. That is what we who love Jesus will do. During this time that the enemy is bound, we can teach what the Scriptures say, and what they mean, and what Jesus Himself says, and why He says it. And we will lead people to the Father, through the sacrifice of Jesus, and they shall know Him for themselves, if they come to Him and trust Him.
There will be survivors on the earth, when Jesus returns. Before He comes, there will be an outpouring of the wrath of God, and there will be much travail. But some will survive, and the Holy Spirit says that many people will be happy, at first, that Jesus has returned. They will say, "There really is a God!" They will be satisfied that the question of where we came from is settled. But as time goes on, some will resent the fact that He has a standard to live by. They will accuse Him of forcing His will on them. They will accuse Him of dictatorship.
Who will show the people that Jesus can be trusted, and that it is only right and just to have a law of love? We who return with Him to the earth, to follow Him wherever He goes, will do this. Out of love for Him, we will do all that we can to persuade men to trust and love Jesus. We will show them that the ten commandments were meant to be laws of love. They were to teach us to treat each other with love and kindness. Since you love someone, do not lie to them. If you love someone, do not covet what they have. Rather, ask Me, says the Father, and I will give you what you need. Out of love, rejoice on their behalf for what I have given them. But do not covet what they have. If you love, do not steal from each other. Each of the commandments is based on love.
Is Jesus to be the only one to tell this to the people on earth? What about we who love Him, and know that He is love? He has given everything for us, we will want to give our lives to Him, just as we did on earth. We also will teach, with the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given to us.
Those in hell will have opportunity to repent. They should have repented on earth. They are suffering, and shall suffer the amount that is due them, for their actions against others, and their rejection of the One who was the remedy for their sin. Their sin has brought them to hell. As long as it is called "forever" (which the Father told me means "as long as there is time") they may remain in hell. But hell may bring true repentance. This can save them from the lake of fire, which is the second death, and from which there is no return. From hell, one could be brought to paradise, such as happened with the thief who died beside Jesus. He lived a life worthy of hell. But through the grace of Jesus, He was brought into paradise to be taught, so he could willingly turn from the sinful deeds he had done while on the earth.
It will be a terrible thing to go into hell. Only those who really love Jesus, and understand clearly what He did on earth, and why it was so necessary for Him to do so, will go to hell to preach. Only those who truly understand the power of sin, will be able to go and teach those who are suffering the consequences of their own sin. I am sure people in hell will say that they are repentant. But the Holy Spirit will give wisdom to those He sends out for Him. They shall know the truth, and will not be deceived. Ultimately, the Father will judge whether they have come to repentance. Only those who see their sin, and the pain they have caused others, and who deeply regret their actions (and not just because of the punishment being meted out to them) will come out of hell. Even in hell, there is no penalty that is sufficient for their sin. The penalty for sin is death. And death comes in the lake of fire. (It is the second death. The first death is the death of their mortal bodies.) Only the blood of Jesus has the power, through His beautiful sinless life, to meet the full requirement for sin. If not for His sacrifice, they and we, must surely go to the lake of fire. Those in hell, must see their own sin, and their need for a Saviour, just as we on earth, had to go through the same process. We had to see our sin, and our need for Jesus and what He did for us on the cross. That is why we love Him so. He paid our penalty, and He loves us and has brought us to the Father. All this we will explain to those in hell.
It is so shocking to think that anyone on earth would be dissatisfied after Jesus returned. But it says in Zechariah 14: 16, 17 (which occurs AFTER Jesus returns, as you can see if you read the entire chapter), that any nation who did not keep the feast of Tabernacles, and bring up the offerings required, would not receive rain. That shows a glimpse of human nature, that we would still reject Him, or disobey Him, after He returns. And the Father's response will be to withhold the rain from their land. Some will consider Him to be a dictator because of actions like this. If God calls men to account, some men will resent it, and this is where the Father will be accused of being unfair, or a dictator.
The enemy will be bound, yet man will still be sinning. People sometimes think that if the enemy was not around, that men would not sin at all, and all would come to Jesus and love and obey Him. This is not actually true. Man has the ability to sin, just as the enemy does. We have freedom of will. We sin by choice. There is no one righteous, no not one, Paul said in Romans. That is not the fault of the enemy. It is our own choice. We cannot blame the enemy for everything that we do. He has tempted us, it is true. But he tempted Jesus, and Jesus refused to sin. We are accountable for our own actions. But he does increase sin, and do all he can to get us to sin, and to turn us away from the truth and from Jesus Himself.
No Stone Left Unturned
That is why we who love Jesus, will do all we can to take advantage of the fact that the enemy is bound for that thousand years, so we can bring as many as possible to the truth in Jesus, whether through hell, or from the earth, or by teaching in paradise.
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