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Here is a conversation that took place recently between someone we will call Thomas, and Char.

THOMAS: I assume that you are aware that, according to his writings, St. Paul was very certain that Jesus was going to return within the lifetime of most of the Christians then living. And Christians have anticipated the imminent arrival of Jesus ever since.

CHAR: I am aware of that. Jesus said to me in the 1990's, "Man has been saying for centuries that I am returning soon. Now I am saying 'I am returning soon'." The Father has also used the word imminent in regards to Jesus' return. I do know that Paul thought Jesus was returning soon and many others did also. They based it on the fact that it was said that Jesus "would return soon". Well, what is soon? And they also based it on the events of the day, which is what man has always done. It is always some terrible day and surely God will return and save man from these dreadful times. That is understandable and totally in line with man's nature.

THOMAS: I have always wondered why, if God is looking for fellowship with humans, why he does not have a telephone number or E-mail address or postal address. I never understood that. If he did, then all of the thousands of theological splits down through the ages could have been avoided. I would personally dearly like to ask God what he believes about the death penalty... or ask him why he creates so many gays and lesbians if he hates homosexuality so.

CHAR: He does have an address: it is in His throne room. You can reach Him, by calling out to Him, and waiting. It is unfortunate that the church has failed to make this known. They always talk about God and about His Word which is the Bible, nothing wrong with it, it is true) and little about actually knowing Him. This is why He says that the church as a whole has failed Him. He would dearly love for you to personally ask Him what He thinks about the death penalty and about gays, and the pain and suffering in the world, and any other questions you may have. He has answered these questions for me personally also, and if you ask me what He showed I will tell you, but I would rather that you ask Him yourself. If you are seriously seeking Him, you should come to Him, with the understanding that it is because of sin existing in you (not originally your fault, but you did act on it, as we adults all have) that has caused you to be separated from Him. He used to meet regularly with Adam. What changed? Well, sin entered the picture. This was the whole purpose for the birth and life and death of Jesus. He came to restore us to the Father. If you seek Him with this understanding, and with Jesus' sacrifice on your behalf in mind, then you will assuredly find Him. There is no trick. No salesman will call. If you seek Him, and wait, He Himself will answer. Then, as you continue to talk to Him, and listen to Him, then you will start to have a relationship (and thereby "fellowship") with Him. You will love Him. He is wise and kind and humorous, and loving and so well worth knowing.

THOMAS: I have always had another problem about God. If God is so keen on communion with us, then why has he allowed the present state of affairs where there are about 2 non-Christian human beings on earth for every human? The only answer that I can think of is that God recognizes the validity of other religions and that there is nothing that much special about Christianity.

CHAR: He is under no obligation to "save" the earth. If we choose not to know Him, or to pursue some other religion, or no religion at all, that is our right. He gave us that right when He gave us free will. What should He do? Should He take back the right to free will? Does He have to prove Himself over and over? Does He have to have Jesus born and murdered every hundred years or so so it would be fresh in people's minds? Jesus came one time and was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He doesn't need to come again. If man chooses not to believe it, they have that freedom. He did give a writing which explains this - the Bible - which He has made sure is widely distributed. If man - the church - had not failed Him, then it would not be as bad as you describe. That is why He is bringing them under His judgement.

To the Remnant: Jesus showed that He wanted us to post this letter to you. While we were reading it over, the Father told me that the reason He wanted us to post this is because He wants the Remnant to be ready with common-sense, and not religious, answers to people, just as this letter has. Then, as the lambs hear what is being said by us, they will go to the throne room themselves, expecting the Father to reply. And He says that He will! This is part of feeding His lambs, which is what He wants from His Remnant. Not religion, but simply Jesus Himself.

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