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Ruth- My very bestest friend in the whole world!! She just hadddd to move to Richmond Hill in grade 4, but we still keep in touch. She's an awesome friend, really funny, easy to talk to. She's too smart for me though. Many fond memories with her, too many to write down! March...we turn 17. BIG PARTY!

Becky- My second best friend...we went to the Backstreet Boy concert in Ottawa on Nov. 12:) We have great times together! Is going out with Will.

Stacey- She thinks Eminem is really hot, so...BAD TASTE IN GUYS!:) She's really skinny and has cool silver pants. She's really funny and can never make up her mind when it comes to making plans *S* BSD!!!!

Jovana- She's a good friend of mine, she's very funny and HATES Britney Spears. She's got her first job at Jumbo Video and is using all her money to buy more clothes! She wants to be a fashion designer.

Kelly- We met 2 summers ago playing baseball. She's a really good friend. She's funny and really nice. She goes to Fontenac and has her own car.

Jacquie- What can ya say....a very nice person! She was volenteer at the Kingston General Hospital during the summer and still does it after school. She's very creative, an awesome artist and funny. She loves the colour yellow and plays baseball. She's easy to talk to & is going out with Alex now.

Tim- I've known him since kindergarden. He's a funny guy who's REALLY obsessed with the Spice Girls and wrestling (?). He's really nice though. Your one of a kind man. I love your bowling pants:) He's now going out with Briana.

Laura- She's really nice and very small! Her, stepanie and I are psychology buddies. She's a good listener.

Kym- She's really nice and is never mean to anyone. She's in vancouver right now for her Christmas break visiting family. We work together in Math allll the time.

Stephanie- She's really funny. She'll always tell you the truth. She does the funniest dances:) HA HA. She was on my baseball team this year and we shop alike. (HMV) She's going out with Kevin, I know now!! BSD!!

Katie- She's really HYPER!!! She nevers calms down. She's in the school play and also in my math class. She's got a really nice backyard.

Serena- She's a dancer so she's really skinny. She's really funny and we always end up beatin' up each other. SUMMER SLAM '99!!!!! hehehe

Andrew- I call him Doyle though:) He's really funny and nice. He can be pretty sarcastic though. He wants to be in the reserve. WALKING MUSIC!

Erica- She moved to Ottawa during the summer:( We all miss her. Her and Ryan have been together for like ever! Bloob, bloob, bloob man!!!!

Meaghan- She's got cool spikey hair. She's really nice & funky. We go to Frontenac Fitness togeter...I'm here for ya girl!

Ryan- He's shy also. He's really funny and nice. He likes the Ninja Turtles. He plays football.

Ryan B- He's really nice and quiet. He and Jen make a cute couple.

Kayla- I haven't known her for long but she's cool. She loves roller coaters (Thanks) and The Spice Girls. She lives in Toronto and is a good friend of Ruth's.

Will- Him and Andrew are really good friends so u could say they're very much a like:) He plays soccer. Becky and him have been going out for like 6 months?? He just broke his knee last Thursday:(

Andre- He's a cool boy!! He moved here last year from Winnipeg. He listens to nothing but rap, he's a good friend, very funny...but, sick-sick mind!!

Joel- I've known Joel since kindergarden AND his dad is my doctor. He's really funny and very interesting to have a conversation with:) He's a really good basketball player.

December 23,1999

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