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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


September 22, 1998


     The Father would say to His church arise, arise in the middle of the night in the darkness that surrounds you. For there is yet much to be done. Arise, for the dawn of a new day is coming soon and now is not the time to be asleep. Now is the time to awaken early and put upon you the garments of praise and to put upon you the anointing oil of joy and to put upon you the armaments of the Spirit that all My soldiers must wear.
     This is a time, says the Father, that is a precious time. For these are the times that those who truly love Me shall place their faith in Me and depend on Me and trust in Me and I will gather them to Me, says the Lord, and I will nurture them, I will protect them, I will anoint them. I will bring them into the fullness of the ministry that I have for them, to be manifested in their love for one another and for those who have not received in their hearts the gospel message of life, of My Son, Jesus Christ.
     Arise, says the Lord, walk purposefully, walk deliberately, walk the straight and narrow line and proclaim victory over the elements that think they have defeated you. For those things, says the Lord, those things that have come against you, those things that have beaten you down, those things that have hedged about you to prevent you from ministering the truth of My gospel to those who need it, to those who need to hear it, to those who need to receive it—these things, says the Lord, I have given you victory over.
     Arise, arise now while it is still dark, while it is not yet the dawn of a new day. For many preparations can be made. Much can be done. And when the dawn arises you will be in place, you will know where you are going, you will know why you are going and you will be equipped for going.
     And you shall arise, arise, arise a mighty army in the land. An army fearsome and strong. An army that will cause the enemy to shake and tremble with fear and terror upon hearing the noise of your assemblage and of your marching through the land. For I do not create that which will not survive. But I have given unto you the eternal power of My Very Own Holy Spirit. And it is by His power, it is by His might that you shall arise, arise, arise a mighty and fearsome army which shall subdue the enemy and continue to call out and proclaim and preach the gospel of salvation unto eternal life with Me in My glory.
     Arise, arise, arise, oh sleeping people. Arise now, arise now, arise now. Proclaim the victory. Proclaim the victory even beforehand, says the Lord, and go forth with assurance and confidence and faith that I shall go before you. And that I shall prepare the circumstances which will bring about your victory. For I am a God of victory. I am not a God of defeat. I am your victory, I am your faith, I am your provider and I shall bring these things to pass as it has been written and you shall bring Me glory and you shall bring many sons into the kingdom who will also glorify Me. So arise, arise, arise, says the Lord. Shake yourself from your slumber. Partake of your spiritual nourishment and shake the sleep from your eyelids and hear the voices of My watchmen. For it is they to whom I have given this, My word, for you to arise, arise, arise, says the Lord.
     For there has been much controversy, there has been much discussion as to the times and seasons and what you are to do regarding obedience unto My will, My plan, My purpose. And so the discussions have ended with questions and the questions have ended with sleep. And now the time for discussions and questions is over. The time for sleep is over. It is time now to arise and begin to walk in the steps of the plan for you that I have created from the beginning, says the Lord.
     Know this, that the things that have been spoken in My name and the things that have not transpired that have been spoken in My name have not been spoken by those to whom I have given My words. And those who speak My words speak My words assuredly, they speak My words with confidence and they speak My words in a spirit of humility. They do not look for your approval or your sanction. They do not herald their speaking forth My word by great and mighty devices. They stand up in the midst of you and they speak forth My word and they sit down. And they go their way.
     And many that would speak My words, who seek to bring glory to themselves by devices and focus attention on themselves, these are speaking things of their own flesh, for I have not spoken to them, says the Lord.
     For I will not speak to the proud. I will speak My words to the humble. I will speak My words to those whom many would consider to be foolish. I will not give My words to those who are wise in their own eyes and in the eyes of men. For I am not seeking captains of industry and great leaders.
     I am speaking to My servants, the prophets whom I have called and anointed. So I speak to My friends the prophets, and so I send many of them out upon the watchman’s wall and you see them and hear them when they return. And they state the proclamation they have heard from Me. And they sit in your assemblage and then they go back out upon the wall.
     You who seek your own glory are not My servants and I shall not speak My words unto you. For those who exalt their flesh and their name are an abomination unto Me. Hearken to the words of My prophets. Hear what they speak, for they are speaking My words. Know that that which they speak will glorify Me and will bring forth the fullness in the harvest for which I long.
     Do you truly love Me, says the Lord? Then love one another. And arise, and awaken from your slumber and learn to love one another and to walk in the purpose for which I have created you. Do your really love Me, says the Lord? Then recognize that these are My sheep, not your sheep. Love My sheep, feed My sheep, care for My sheep. They are not your sheep, they are My sheep. Do you really love Me, says the Lord? Then love one another and do that which I have taught you to do. Do that which is precious in My sight. Do that which will bring Me glory. And that which will bring about a great harvest of souls. And I will know that you truly love Me.
     For I am a God of love and you have been created in My likeness and My image. And as I love you, so also you must love one another. For you are all My children, My sons and daughters. Regardless of the words and the wisdom and the wiseness of men who speak forth that which creates division among My family, you are My children, My sons, My daughters. You are not anothers, but you are Mine. And as I love you, so also you must love one another.
     Arise, arise, arise and awaken to the truth and gird yourselves with the truth and walk in that truth. For My eternal plan has been manifested among you and there is still much preparation to be made. Arise from your darkness and love one another and do that which I have created you to do.
