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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


November 22, 2000

A Time Of Opportunity And Affliction

        The Lord says to His church:
        “But know this, that without any opposition there would be no progress. For those who would continue to advance and go forth, there must needs be that opposition. For by coming against that opposition it builds your strength, it builds your patience and as you stay within My will and My purpose, it continues to build your faith. For I would not have fat, overweight, undernourished children who continue on in their infancy when the time is long since past for them to have entered into their adulthood.
        “Though I may bring you to the very brink of that which appears to be the absolute final end, yet the step of faith at that point shall break through every barrier and bring about growth to those exercising that faith and deliverance for those who have been oppressed by the evil one.
        “This is a time of opportunity for growth, a time for exercising of faith, a time of ceasing from human effort, a time to stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord for those who truly love Him.
        “This is also a time of affliction, a time when those who have no depth of knowledge and experience in their relationship with the true and living God will be vexed in their souls as they wallow in the superficiality of their fleshly endeavors in attempting to bring about a salvation of their own making.
        “So therefore I have set aside this time, I have set aside this period of testing in order to strengthen those who are strong and in order to afflict those who are weak. For I shall not be mocked, neither My word, nor My Spirit, or My only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. For all that is and all that has been and all that will be is of Me, says the Lord.
        “For those who would attempt to put self ahead of Me, they shall find that their strength upon their weak flesh shall diminish according to the proportion of effort that they put forth to strengthen that flesh. For there are many, many, many who have taken upon themselves titles and positions and authority and duties and responsibilities and callings that are not of Me.
        “So they continue to serve self and they continue to build their self-made kingdoms. Inherent in each and every one of these personal kingdoms is a built-in expiration date which shall be of My choice. For those who continue to build My kingdom, for those who continue to seek My righteousness and those who stand still and cease from their efforts—their own fleshly efforts—placing their faith in Me, great shall be their reward.
        “When all is said, and all is done, My kingdom, My temple of living stones shall stand in strength, and in righteousness and in justice throughout all of eternity.”
