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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


May 4, 1998

Beach Scene



     I saw a person, with a sun hat and dark sunglasses, sitting in a chair under a bright umbrella, with his feet up on a white table built around the umbrella pole. He was sitting with his back to the ocean, and drinking lemonade through a straw. The sun was shining brightly on a white sandy beach. It curved off to the right and went around a jutting mountain in the background. I could see the blue waters of the sea, with tiny little waves lapping at the sand and making white bubbly foam as the water flowed up and then receded back to the ocean. As I watched, I became aware of a huge surfer's delight wave, very far out to sea. Suddenly, the person stood up and turned around and gasped with surprise, dropping their lemonade, their mouth open with shock. Then I saw the huge wave, which by now had grown to gigantic proportions. It was right at the waters edge. In an instant it crashed onto the beach and carried the person, umbrella, chair and everything in its path along with it, creating tremendous chaos.
     The scene then focused on the mountain top in the background. I then saw a lone figure, standing and looking out to sea. As I got closer, I saw he had on combat fatigues and a green beret hat. He had binoculars and was looking out to sea and scanning the ocean.
     The vision froze and ended.


     The person represents the body of Christ. The sun hat indicates they do not have the mind of Christ, as it blocks out the “sun of righteousness, with healing in his wings.” The dark sunglasses are indicative of the willful lack of clear prophetic vision. The bright umbrella is the world system he is under. He has his feet on the place of feeding himself (the white table) the Word of God, disdaining its purity. With his back to the ocean, he is not paying any attention to what is happening throughout the world in the nations. The lemonade represents the things of the world that God disapproves of. The straw indicates that he is taking in small amounts at a time.
     The sun provides a spiritually healthy environment. The sandy beach is the false foundation of the world system, which has received in abundance the light of the sun. The blue sea, and waves and sand represent the false peace of the world.
     The huge wave far out to sea is the beginning of God's judgements. It grows to tremendous proportions. Too late the person turned around to see God's judgement come upon him and the world system and bring chaos and catastrophe to the world and its false religions.
     The mountain represents the true church, built upon the Rock of Jesus Christ. The lone figure stands on this church, indicating their support of him and proximity to him to hear what he reports. This represents the caliber of the prophetic ministries now being raised up by God. These prophets are dressed for duty and for war, and are exposed to the “sun of righteousness” and the healing anointing. The binoculars are their special God-given prophetic vision with which they monitor and report the world situation to the true church.


     There are many in the churches who do not have the mind of Christ, and are purposely blocking out the healing anointing of God, and their Holy Spirit gift of the prophetic. They feel safe and protected in the world system, and show disdain for the Word of God. They are unaware of what is happening in the world and in the nations. They continue to take in the things of the world, thinking their sin is “small” and therefore, negligible.
     Although God's sun shines on the righteous and the evil, the world continues to build on false foundations. They continue to cry, “peace, peace” and have no idea of the urgency of the hour.
     The judgement of God has been released and is gaining in power and momentum. These worldly “believers” will not see it until it is too late.
     But God has a true church, whose prophetic ministries are being raised up by Him, and nurtured by this true church. They are powerfully anointed for healing and keep the world situation under constant surveillance. They report what they see to the church.
     If we are to avoid the judgement of God that is coming upon the world, we must get the mind of Christ, sharpen our prophetic focus, get out from under the world system, and feed ourselves the purity of the Word of God. We must pay attention to what's happening in the world for “prophetic signs.” And we must forsake the “small sin” mentality.
     The false peace of the world will soon be devastated by the judgement of God. Now is the time to get off of the sand foundation and climb upon the Rock, affiliating ourselves with a true local church, i.e., ekklesia of God's people. We must either learn to move out, ready for duty and war, and accept the healing anointing, and exercise our prophetic vision, reporting to the church, or prepare ourselves to receive those who do.
