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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


September 9, 1998

A Call To War

     Will you dwell at ease in Zion, my army, my soldiers? Would you let the affairs of the civilian life concern you and dictate to you those things that you must do in order to prepare for war? For My war?
     This is a time for war, not a time for dwelling at ease, not a time for seeing the times and the seasons that are occurring in the natural. Look up, My army. Look up. See the stirring in the spirit realm. See the equipping that is taking place. Understand the times and the seasons in My kingdom, says the Lord.
     There are many things that are occurring now that would distract you from the campaign of victory that I have preordained from before the beginning of the world. There are many plans to be implemented by the officers in My army. There are many armaments in My heavenly arsenal that you must utilize in your campaign. There is much organization of the armies, there is much training to be done.
     For this is a time of war, not a time of idle ease at peace with the natural circumstances that surround you. For this is My time says the Lord, this is My season, and those things that must be done now cannot wait, for they must now begin for I have said so in My word.
     Warriors, arise. Soldiers, march. Watchman, go out upon the wall. Exercise diligence in seeing into the things of the spirit realm that you would know the plans of the enemy, that you would thwart him at every turn and that you would take all of his offensive tactics and turn them into chaotic confusion.
     This is not the time to sit in idle ease in Zion. This is the time to rally for war. For this is the time and this is the season and there are many who have not answered the call to war. There are many who are too preoccupied with activities of the civilian life that surrounds them.
     I am setting My watchmen farther out upon the wall. Hearken unto the voices of My watchmen for they speak of the plans of the enemy. But to whom will they speak those plans to if My army is not rallied, if My army is not ready, if My army has not realized its potential strength through the power of My Holy Spirit?
     For this is not a time of ease. This is a time of war. And to those who answer My call, and to those who continue to hear the watchmen that I have set upon the walls and to those who begin to march according to the orders that have been given unto them—to those will I most assuredly grant full victory over all the power of the enemy and his plans and his purposes.
     Every saint is to equip himself or herself. According to the degree of faith and boldness founded in their love of and for Me so will they be equipped.
     For the faint-hearted and for those who prefer to remain at ease and be motivated, not by faith and boldness and love, but by fear of losing those human comforts that they enjoy—to those shall much be taken away from them and given to those who are moving out in faith and boldness and love. So shall they return back to their previous comforts, ignoring the times and the seasons and attempting to create their own times and seasons and climate. To those will come much discomfort, much lack of ease and many problems in dealing with the flesh.
     For I am not raising up an army that is based on their own personal pleasure, or their own personal comfort or their own agendas. I am raising up an army that is faithful and obedient. Bold warriors who love Me and the cause of Christ, their Saviour, My Beloved Son, and who will carry out in obedience those things which I have set forth in My word and which have been proclaimed by the Living Word, My Son, and which shall be announced by My friends the prophets. And so shall they speak with the voice of the watchmen and so shall they proclaim those things that are from Me and not those things that are from the flesh, says the Lord.
     For I am a God Who has planned, Who has planned from the very beginning, knowing the end thereof and in My plan there is assurance. In My plan there is comfort. In My plan there is ease, for My yoke is light and not burdensome. And it shall bring Me glory, and it shall bring in a harvest of souls into My kingdom that will be My delight.
     And there shall be many who shall fall by the wayside. Some because they were overzealous. Others will fall by the wayside because of their weakened faith, because the enemy will attack you severely and attempt to bring doubt into the hearts of many by much discouragement and fear. These you shall stop and minister to and restore them back to My army.
     For those who remain steadfast, they shall be an encouragement to those whose weaknesses are manifested during the battle. And as they are strengthened by the encouragement and the example of those that I have set as officers in My kingdom so shall they step out with greater faith, with greater boldness, with greater love. And this army shall accomplish great feats in My name. Much shall be accomplished. For I am with you.
     And you are of My will and of My desire and I shall carry you through those places that you think you cannot go through. And you will accomplish those things which you think you cannot accomplish. And you shall be strong in those areas that you thought were weak.
     For My plan, which I have written, shall not fail, says the Lord. And the brightness of the glory of My army shall illuminate the darkness that is soon to come upon the earth.
