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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


Choose You This Day

June 4, 2000

          Over a period of several weeks I’ve had visions which I felt were part of a sequence. It’s a familiar theme and seems to be a progressive one. I’ve set down the essence of those visions below.


          Again I saw a powerful white horse with Jesus as its rider. This scene took place in what appeared to be a desolate, dry, parched place—much like a desert. Behind Jesus and the horse there were a vast multitude of people who were following Him. Whereas before they were assembling, now they were on the move, following Jesus.
          It was clear that Jesus had a destination He was leading the people towards. In the distance there was what appeared to be a city. It was brilliantly white and had reflections of gold from the streets on it. The people all appeared to have a common purpose in following Jesus. They were intent on their task and were not distracted from it by outside influences.
          In subsequent visions, I was shown another white horse. This view, however, was from the rear of the horse. I could see the rider who appeared to be a Roman soldier, a general. This general was in a crowded, well populated city. Behind him were many followers, gaping and gawking, like tourists at all the sights of the city. Easily distracted, but still following the Roman general on the horse. They would go up one street and down another, taking in the sights. There was no purpose or goal in their meanderings. Simply motion for the sake of movement.


          It’s clear the two horses and the two riders represent two powerful moves. Jesus and the white horse continues the sequence of:

A Move of Righteousness, August 16, 1999,
Overcomers? November 15, 1999 and
Silver Trumpets April 8, 2000.

          The Roman general represents the present Romanized, paganized, institutional church. It’s pervasive in cities and towns throughout the world. It’s without Godly purpose or direction. It’s motion without direction, simply displaying itself by virtue of the huge number of persons involved in this fruitless activity. At this point this movement is still enlisting volunteers prior to fully organizing as described in:

Apostate Church, October 9, 1998, and
Which King Will You Serve? June 28, 1999.


          This time of separation is coming to a point of completion. Soon each rider and horse will begin to move towards their God appointed goals. One unto life and one unto death.
          Many who are following the Roman general are convinced that they are following the true Jesus. Their failure to love the truth has opened them up to strong delusion from the true and living God. It will only be by willfull choice to know the truth of God that will deliver them from this God-sent delusion. The truth of God comes only from knowledge and understanding of His word. Only then can the Holy Spirit of God teach them all truth of His word. Personal, subjective revelations apart from the word of God do not come from God’s Holy Spirit.
          The traditions, customs, observances and habits of man have no place in organizational authority in the lives of followers of Jesus Christ. Failure to read, study and apply the truth of God’s word leads to the broad way of ease and making the word of God of none effect. Only the straight and narrow way of God’s word leads to life and life more abundantly.
          A phrase has crept into Charismania that is most disturbing. That phrase is “... the most Holy Spirit ...” That terminology is not found in scripture. It’s theologically incorrect in that it elevates the “holiness” of the Holy Spirit above that of the Father and the Son. Isn’t the Father “the most holy Father” and isn’t the Son “the most holy Son?” While discussing this phrase with a dear sister in the Lord, she pointed out that it also tacitcly infers that there is more than one Holy Spirit, i.e., there is a “Holy Spirit” and also “a most Holy Spirit.”
          I feel that this erroneous phrase is an outworking of the emphasis of personal, subjective alleged supernatural experiences attributed to the Holy Spirit of God. Experiences which are not substantiated by scripture and do not glorify Jesus Christ, as scripture states is the role of the Holy Spirit, among other things. A knowledge and understanding of the word of God should have precluded this basic misunderstanding of the Trinity.
          As disciples, i.e., learners, imitators and supporters of Jesus Christ, our focus is to be upon Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
          There is a time and season for all things. This is currently a time of continuing separation from the unGodly and also to the Godly in all areas of the human experience—body, soul and spirit. It’s also a season for strongly exercising the charisma descension gift of discerning of spirits. Test all things—by the word of God. Even the most holy and vivid and supernatural experiences. Especially the most holy and vivid and supernatural experiences ...
          Soon, the Roman general will be replaced by a cruel and vicious military strategist who is opposed to all that is of God.
          If you are not of God, you will become part of this vicious strategists system of death. If you are of God, beloved, you will be an enemy of those who align themselves with this apostate system.
          Will you choose life, or will you embrace death?
