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His Word ... a prophetic perspective



November 30, 2000

        Note that the last recount in Florida put George Bush ahead by 537 votes. Is this a mere coincidence or is the Father conveying a message to His church?
        Five is the number of division, e.g., five wise and five foolish virgins; 5,000 fed with five loaves; five fingers on each hand; five toes on each foot; five senses, etc. For those who want to assign the symbolic meaning of grace, it is still appropriate in this situation.
        Three is the number of the Godhead, i.e., Trinity.
        Seven is the number of earthly completeness, perfection and fullness.
        I found five books of the Bible that have five chapters with 37 verses. Note the emphasis (twice) upon the number five, i.e., division (within the church).
(Matthew 5:37) “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”

        The “yes’s” and “no’s” have been communicated, via the voting process, including a recount. It’s a certified done deal. The continuing recounts are evil.

(Mark 5:37) “And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter, and James, and John the brother of James.”

        The daughter (verse 36, i.e., the church) is not dead. Only believe. (Asleep—and split, yes, but not dead.) Only those closest to Jesus will continue to be with, and minister with Him. Those opposed to the eternal purpose of God to bring all things together in one, in Christ, will not be suffered [read: permitted] to follow Him (Jesus). (Without a love for the truth, God will send a strong delusion—2 Thessalonians 2:10,11).

(Luke 5:37 KJV) “And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish.”
        (Perish is apollumi. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words (Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers) makes this comment: “The idea is not extinction but ruin, loss, not of being, but of wellbeing.”

        The old administration (bottle) cannot stand. It will perish. The new wine (President) requires a new administration (bottle).

(John 5:37 KJV) “And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.”

        The works already done (by Bush) bear witness that the Father has sent him.

(Acts 5:37 KJV) “After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.”
        (Perish is the same as in Luke 5:37, with a meaning of “ruin, loss, not of being, but of wellbeing.”

        Many people have been drawn away to follow another (Judas, a betrayer of Christ), but he will “perish” (within the meaning of the word) and his followers will be scattered.
        While hearing the news of the challenge of the election results a few days ago I got 1 Samuel 12:1. I looked it up and read:
(1 Samuel 12:1 KJV) “And Samuel” [Hebrew: heard of God] “said unto all Israel, Behold, I have hearkened unto your voice in all that ye said unto me, and have made a king over you.”
        God has heard the voice of the people and has selected a ruler. I believe the 12:1 refers to the Supreme Court ruling scheduled for 12-1-2000. Even if this is not so, it still continues to state God’s will in this matter.
        God has recognized the division within the church and I believe prophetically stated His will. If the counsel of man overrules that decision, it will be because the voice of the church was too split in what it said and it will bring judgement upon the people of God.
        The prevailing spirit of this whole election process (and highly visible in all parts of the world also) is the spirit of the accuser versus the spirit of the intercessor. It has promoted division and deception.
        Division is the opposite of bringing all things together into one, in Christ. Many in the church have placed their own personal purposes far ahead of that of God’s eternal purpose. The fulfillment of temporal desires through the election of a government that promises to do so has been a higher priority for many in the church than that of their Heavenly Father’s purpose. This type of division in the church has its basis in human desires and runs against the will of the Father.
        I believe God has signaled His will to His people through these prophetic indicators and yet, regrettably, many continue to blindly follow the way of the Sodomites in attempting to get through a closed door in order to satisfy their perverted lusts.
        To expand this comparison, the “Lot” has been cast: God’s righteous people will have deliverance, but some will look back and lose their place in eternity with their Creator. Others will perish in the fire and brimstone that will come from God Himself.
        Is this the end of the story? No, for our God is a God of love, grace and mercy, and there are many chapters yet to be written of the struggle of His church to attain unity based upon the truth of God’s word.
        Regardless of who our new President is in January of 2001, the church of the true and the living God has much work to do. And regardless of who sits in that office, we must continue to pray for our leaders whether we like them or not. As I have stated elsewhere, there is no waste in God’s economy: each and every person and event has its proper place in attaining to God’s eternal purpose of bringing all things together in one, in Christ.
        In all of this, we the church, must remain faithful to God’s purposes in bringing us all together, and not allow ourselves to be divided by the whims and fallacies of our emotions and desires.
        The truth of the words of our God as recorded in scripture are our very sure foundation of bringing about a true unity of the body of Christ. With that unity based upon the truth of God’s word will come an ever increasing love for God and love for neighbor, which will promote a true fellowship. A fellowship that fulfills the meaning of the word in the original language as to sharing, socializing and supporting.
        Within the boundaries of God’s truth, that new-found unity will promote love which will express itself in true fellowship with God and man which will allow each and every one of us to be a yielded vessel that is helping to bring about God’s eternal purpose.
