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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 4, 1998

Crop Duster



     I saw a large aircraft carrier. The sea was not smooth, but it was not yet stormy either. I was above it and looking at the flight deck where planes took off and landed. I could sense the enormous size and power of the vessel.
     Suddenly I saw a small crop duster aircraft come in low and attempt to land the plane. But I immediately sensed the small plane was coming in with the wind, and should have been coming in against the wind in order to land. Because of the powerful wind current, the plane could not land, and had to simply keep flying as it was nowhere near the flight deck.
     Then I became aware of sleek, swept back, stubby-winged fighter planes at the end of the flight deck, poised for take off. They were headed in the right direction, with the wind, which the crop duster had erroneously taken when it attempted to land.
     One after another the planes swiftly took off. The crop duster was still circling above the carrier.
     Then I began to see cruisers, and destroyers, and other naval vessels. They were firing their big guns. Steadily, continuously round after round, huge shells were lobbed out of the guns into the atmosphere. I then saw the object they were firing at. A fortified island some distance away.
     Then I saw on a coast, somewhere, very tall lighthouses, with red spiraled stripes and bright powerful beacons of light, flashing out to sea.
     Next, I saw huge cruise-line ships, bright and clean, sitting dockside. There were several moored one after another.
     Out at sea, the planes continued their attacks, and the guns continued to roar.
     And the crop duster continued to circle over the aircraft carrier.


     The aircraft carrier, with its war planes and guns represents intercessory spiritual warfare—as God wants it to be. The size and power of the vessel indicates the hugeness and intensity of the power of that intercessory spiritual warfare.
     The crop duster is the individual identity mentality of many of those individuals and ministries involved in spiritual warfare. The crop duster pilot has been pictured as an independent risk taker, a romantic figure with helmet, goggles and scarf wrapped around his neck. He was an ace pilot, envied by many for his considerable flying skills. This is an obsolete image that is being replaced by the necessity for more than excellent skills as a pilot.
     Richard Nelson, of University of Minnesota, Crookston's Agricultural Management Division is quoted as saying: “Those skills will always be essential, but the next generation of successful aerial applicators will need to be savvy business managers, experts in the newest agricultural technologies, and guardians of the environment.”
     This obsolete ministry style is trying to connect with, and become a part of, God's current powerful move in the area of intercessory spiritual warfare. The vehicle for the mode of this ministry, however, is not suited to become involved with the power God is unleashing for those warriors. Although it is going with the flow of the Holy Spirit, it's power is such that it cannot join with the power of what God wants.
     As a matter of note, the crop duster would have had to flown against the flow of the Spirit, and then when it landed, it would have been thoroughly out of place and cause considerable confusion and loss of efficiency and interruption of the flow of the newer aircraft.
     In the new move of God in this area, the new sleek fighters are specifically designed to utilize the power of the Holy Spirit in order to get them aloft swiftly.
     The crop duster doesn't want to leave the battle, but is circling aimlessly, watching the true power in operation. He must update his skills, become a savvy business manager, and network with other ministries. He must become an expert in the newest technologies, utilizing, among other things, the Internet. Then he can become a guardian of the spiritual environment.
     Then when merged with God's new global thinking intercessory spiritual warfare, he will lose his “individual identity” and become a part of a huge and powerful network. One that will use their firepower to lob shell after shell upon the enemy. And continue to send wave after wave of sleek, modern fighters against the enemy.
     The very tall lighthouses indicate that we still need those watchmen, I feel, particularly along our coasts and borders, to maintain their sometimes lonely vigil to complement the other ministries.
     The cruise-line ships, when contrasted with the naval vessels, indicate the mentality of many Christians today. They are not concerned with the reality of the battle taking place on the seas of the nations. Much less so the intercessory spiritual warfare that is keeping their pleasure vessels safe in the harbor of their making.


     There is a very real call to enter into the battle that is taking place in the heavenlies. There is a very real demand to re-evaluate our position and our purpose in that battle. There is no honor, or fame, or money to be earned. Neither the plaudits of men. The reward is on the other side of glory.
     We must park our crop duster mentality, avail ourselves of training and resources necessary to become knowledgeable in the management of our Father's business, become expert in new technologies, and begin to think globally and become guardians of our spiritual environment.
     There will continue to be some who are called to be watchmen. For those with whom they assemble or congregate, whether it be their churches or home ekklesias, for their cities, for their states, for their country and for the world. Of particular need is watchmen along our shores and borders. We will recognize them by the covering of the blood of Jesus (red spiraled stripes) and their lifestyles which emanate and radiate the life of Christ (bright powerful beacons of light).
     The cruise-line mentality Christian, playing church, will soon realize the pleasure harbor of their making is extremely vulnerable to the ravages of the enemy and the judgment of God.
     The battle rages.
