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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


October 11, 1999

The Cross And The Flesh

       The cross and the flesh are wedded together to produce a supernatural result. That result is attained by others pounding nails into your flesh to bond you to the wood of the cross. And there you must die from the lack of air in your lungs. If this process does not fit the time frame of your persecutors, they will break your bones or pierce you with a spear in order to meet their deadlines. So you must lose your spirit and you must lose your life. But die you must to become a new creation.
       Selah ... pause and calmly think of that ...
       My people refuse to even contemplate the working of the cross in their lives. They remain creatures of fleshly desire and produce fleshly things and fleshly disciples. And I will not have it so.
       Because My people are stubborn and stiff-necked, I am sending cross-bearers to My sheep. Though they stumble from the load, I will appoint those who will help them to carry the cross. I will send great humiliation unto My people until they all become cross-bearers and they shall then be able to draw all men unto Jesus.
       So prepare, for the forests of this world shall become crosses of men. Instruments to bring humiliation and death to the flesh of My people. And those who refuse shall be cast into outer darkness where there shall be gnashing of teeth and weeping and wailing and great despair. As I have spoken it, so shall I perform it, says the Lord.
       There are many left who will not bow the knee to Baal. There are many who hear My still small voice despite the ragings all about them. These are the ones being resurrected spiritually from their experience on the cross. These are the ones who walk in My authority. Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord. My Spirit, not their spirit. My life, not their life. They have given all to follow My life, they have kept nothing of themselves and they follow Me.
       And I will lead them, I will lead them, I will lead them.
       Follow them, follow them, follow them.
       For I have sent them for you to follow. You will know them by their fruits. And you will know them by their love for Me and their love of their neighbors. Look for these for I will send them to you, says the Lord.
       Be not deceived, for there are many false Christs and many deceiving signs and wonders. But he who comes in My name, and in My Spirit and speaks My word—that is one I have sent for you to follow. My sheep know My voice and another they will not follow. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, My people, for I am with you.
       Great deception is about to come upon the earth and many shall be deceived because they discerned not the times. And they heard not My voice and knew not My Spirit, and knew not the cross, and knew not those I had sent. And they shall perish upon the broad way because they knew not the narrow way.
       Let him who has ears hear what the Spirit of God says to the churches.
