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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


Truth and power of God or self delusion, esteem, grandeur?

        I’m a witness, you’re a witness, we’re a witness two!
        I’ve encountered several persons on the internet who have stated publicly that they are the Two Witnesses spoken of in the Book of Revelation.
        In trying to determine why and how people get so badly confused about being the Two Witnesses of Revelation my research came across the term “megalomania.”
        Megalomania is a psychopathological condition where a person has delusional fantasies of grandeur, usually of wealth, power or omnipotence. These delusions of grandeur are a form of arrogance where a person considers himself much better than he really is due to his desire to be superior.
        This type of delusion, which is common in paranoia, comes from emotional and behavioral problems because the person thinks they are greater in importance, knowledge, identity and more influential and more powerful than they are in the real world.
        They claim to have a great unrecognized talent or intelligence and of being a prominent person, or having a special relationship with them (even God!). Psychiatric intervention and medication is necessary in such cases, however, the person that has this problem with megalomania seldom, if ever, seeks outside help.
        Paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by the presence of bizarre and prominent auditory hallucinations on a specific theme and usually has the same theme as the delusions. They hear voices others can’t hear and think that their special powers could cure or inflict diseases, eliminate or cause poverty, bring world peace or world war, or cause miracles or disasters. They do everything they can to convince others of their falsely held beliefs and desperately want people to believe them and quit criticizing and persecuting them. These false beliefs that a person holds despite evidence to the contrary (delusions) of a persecutory or grandiose nature may include themes of jealousy or religion.
        This mental illness may lead to theomania – an extreme form of megalomania. By definition, it’s the belief that one is God or especially chosen by God on a mission. It is most severe in psychotic individuals and people in positions of power in society.
        This extreme form of megalomania is responsible for the many wars that are instigated throughout history.
        Megalomania is accompanied by needs for total power and control over others. Clinically, megalomania is a mental illness associated with narcissistic (self love) personality disorder, which comes from very low self-esteem. The delusions of grandeur, megalomania and theomania serve as a compensatory device to bring the person’s ego to an unrealistic point of inflated self-esteem.
        Because of the need for this huge ego gratification to boost their fake self-confidence, anything not under their control is a threat to their self. Which is why logical, rational and intelligent discussions with these persons are impossible. All such discussions are viewed as a threat to their over-inflated egos and artificially inflated self-esteem and are dismissed by them because of their felt greater power, intellect and authority.
        Bertrand Russell has said:
        “The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history.”
        What causes people to become so thoroughly disillusioned? One is heredity, another is environment. Physical diseases may also cause the problem. Various drugs, legal and illegal may also cause the problem. However, even with psychiatric treatment, the mental illness is not cured, only controlled so that the individual may lead as close to a normal life as possible. Few megalomaniacs, however, seek treatment because they don’t trust others and feel they may actually be harmed.
        And, yes, I have read the articles in which “experts” in the field of psychiatry state that various Old Testament prophets suffered from these mental illnesses. However, the Old Testament prophets did not have the huge ego and self-esteem problems that mentally sick people have. They did not attempt to obtain power and control over the people of God. Instead, they followed the pattern that Jesus Himself displayed as the Prophet, i.e., they taught repentance and preached righteousness to bring healing and restoration back to God. I discuss this in other articles and books on this web site.
        In researching and reading about this mental disorder I found no references to spiritual sources causing it – only natural ones. This doesn’t mean nobody has made the connection, it simply means that I didn’t find any information about it on the subject.
        We know that the devil is the father of lies:
John 8:44:
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
        We also know that without a love of truth, God Himself sends a strong delusion:
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
        These people, for a variety of reasons, made a choice at some point in their lives that self was the most important thing in their life. In so doing, they choose to believe a lie and displayed their lack of love of the truth. The spiritual consequences of this choice made them disciples of the devil and by default, they automatically rejected the truth of God and His Christ and God, according to His word, sent them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie. Because of this the Jezebel spirit has free license to take over their lives with part of their delusion being that they are somehow serving God.
        The many false prophets of today’s contemporary churchianity are well along on the same road of delusion. They must repent of following the devil and his crowd, and begin to teach the truth of God. They must stop being preachers of unrighteousness, and teach the righteousness of God and His Christ. Instead of destroying people and distancing them from God, their Creator and Saviour, they must seek to bring healing and restoration of humanity back to their Creator so that humanity may be reconciled to God.
        If these false prophets fail to seek the narrow gate, or way, they will be pulled further and further along the broad road of delusion they are on.
        Not all false prophets are a Jezebel spirit, but all Jezebel spirits started out as a false prophet. The desire for power and control of other people will open up the false prophets to the Jezebel spirit and ultimately to psychotic delusions.
        As human beings, however, they can still make a choice to love the truth if they choose to do so.
        In researching and reading about these subjects it gave me insight as to how a person comes to have a Jezebel spirit, which I discuss in the following articles:
        “Jezebel Spirit Controlling Institutional Church People.”
        “Jezebel spirit, false prophets, idolatry and witchcraft”
        “Recognizing Intimidation and Manipulation”
        “The Danger of Self-Centeredness-the Jezebel spirit of self”
        In the article “God, Creator of time, the universe, space, energy, matter and life” I explain how migraine auras can produce symptoms of visual hallucinations and illusions, physical sensations and experiences, felt presences, out of body experiences, other auditory symptoms, dream disturbances and astral projection.
        In the book “The Overcoming Remnant Bride,” I did an exhaustive research on this subject and based upon how the original biblical text reads, I have stated that my biblical research leads me to believe that the Two Witnesses of Revelation is a world-wide company of prophets.
        Quoting from the book:
        “These two witnesses/lampstands are symbols of (1) the source, i.e., the word and the Holy Spirit of God, and of (2) the manifestation of the word and Spirit of God through the prophetic gift of God. The two witnesses represent one corporate worldwide body of prophets who prophesy to those who name the name of Christ and also to those who deny Christ.”
        Be assured, saints, when you hear someone state that they are one of the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation you are hearing a person with a psychopathological condition with delusional fantasies of grandeur, usually of wealth, power or omnipotence.
        You are hearing someone whose paranoia comes from emotional and behavioral problems that have created a need for their huge ego gratification to boost their fake self-confidence because of their low self-esteem.
        They hear voices others can’t hear that have a specific theme and have the same theme as their delusions. So they think that their special powers could cure or inflict diseases, eliminate or cause poverty, bring world peace or world war, or cause miracles or disasters, ad infinitum.
        Their extreme form of megalomania has blossomed into theomania and they believe they have been especially chosen by God, usually with the spirit of an Old Testament figure, as a person especially chosen by God to be one of the Two Witnesses of Revelation.,
        If you let them, they will court you, pursue you, and woo you to satisfy their needs for total power and control over others (you!). But you’ll find that they ultimately seek to be powerful rather than charming, and to be feared rather than loved.
        They hear the devil, the father of all lies and without a love of the truth, God Himself has sent them a strong delusion.
        Be assured, as you listen to them, that you are hearing a Jezebel spirit.
