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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


October 29, 2000

A Dream Concerning God’s Remnant

          I dreamed I was in a place where there were a lot of people. It was a semi-intimate kind of a gathering. In this gathering was a woman to whom I was greatly attracted and with whom I felt an affinity. At the same time I knew that she had a husband (I keep getting the phrase “another husband.”) I saw him briefly, however, he was not predominant in the dream. The woman and I appeared to be the principal characters. I will add that the multitude of people were all friends of hers.
          She was attractive, vibrant, vivacious and at the same time not at all sophisticated. Kind of a down to earth, hail-fellow-well-met type of person with an outgoing personality. She appeared to be concerned for me, and cared for me, but not in a sexual way, and as more than a friend, but at the same time with a certain amount of appropriate reserve (considering she was married to “another husband.”)
          She felt my wardrobe was inappropriate for some reason and we moved into a private room where, upon examining my clothing, I could see that my clothes were very wrinkled. I put on other clothes. There were others in the room (while I was examining and changing my clothes). There was a continued sense of intimacy, which increased while we were in this other room. It was not inappropriate intimacy in the dream and there were no sexual overtones. I simply felt an overwhelming attraction to her and she was more than friendly.
          The next scene I remember was myself with a small boy. There appeared to be others present, however, the boy and I were the principal characters. I had an overwhelming love for the boy, much more feelings than I had for the woman. I don’t know whose son he was or anything else about him. But somehow I sensed that the woman I was attracted to should have been his mother. Either as his natural mother, or simply in a mother role. I don’t know which.
          At the same time I felt a tremendous sorrow and deep mourning within myself, because I knew that the woman could not be, and would not be, a mother to him. I knew that I was to love the boy and to be a father to him and to bring him up as my son.
          The sense of loss for the woman and the sense of tragedy and grieving at the knowledge of the situation was tremendous and very emotionally painful for me. The separation of the woman and the boy was the main thing I felt, with my role in the boys life to be that which should have been the role of the woman. It was such an intense and grievous emotion that even as I remember it, I am affected by it.
          Something occurred in my dream from the time I first became aware of her and the time we went into a more private room for me to change my clothes. I can’t however, recall what it was. I think the reason was that it provided a “bridge” between the two events which would be logical for me while I was dreaming and when I first awoke. A “bridge” unnecessary for me to receive an insight into the message of the dream. I seem to vaguely recall further dialogue between the woman and I and perhaps some experiential episodes, but nothing sexual or inappropriate.
          I believe the woman is today’s paganized, Romanized, institutionalized, corporate church. My clothing would represent my spiritual equipping, including gifts, theology, lifestyle and anointings, just to mention a few things.
          Examinination of my clothing, at her request (surrounded by her friends) indicates that she did not consider my gifts, theology, lifestyle and anointings appropriate for her. Under her influence, I too, felt they were wrong. (Remember that I was in an environment full of her friends). In changing my clothes, I was making an attempt to return to my former institutional church upbringing and background, which, of course, would include going back to an earlier stage of development of my gifts, theology and lifestyle and anointing. A stage at which I would have fit in with her and her friends.
          The totally overwheming sorrow, the deeply felt pain and grieving at the alienation of the woman and the boy appears to be the focal point of the dream.
          The boy would represent a new move of God and/or a young Christian. The fact that I was to be a parent to him, and the woman was excluded would indicate that this will take place “outside the camp.” And that I will have a part in it as a mature, responsible elder to the boy.
          While this dream certainly has relevance to me and my life in Christ, I feel it also is a prophetic message for the true ekklesia of God. They, too, will be tempted by the apostate church to “rejoin their fold” and to go back to a time when they were immature and undiscerning regarding the worldly ways of the institutionalized churches.
          Those who succumb to this maneuver will soon be disillusioned once more.
          This experience, however, will only serve to cause the ekklesia to become painfully aware of the differences between the influence of the true and living God, and the influences of the god of this world. As a result, many will receive revelation knowledge as to what their role is to be in the remnant army that God is assembling “outside the camp.”
          There will also be a tremendous sense of responsibility that accompanies this experience. And it will leave a powerful mark on their spirit as they continue to recall that experience which reoriented them as to their purpose in God’s true ekklesia remnant army.
          In my “Word For The Year 2001” I related how we are on the verge of a tremendous amount of activity, ranging from individually to globally. I feel this dream is a confirmation of that word and that there are many who will also experience a confirmation in one way or another.
