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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


March 11, 1998

S.S. Euphoria



     I saw a tramp steamer on the high seas running haphazardly and without a pre-determined destination. The name of the steamer was S.S. Euphoria.
     Then I saw that it had blundered into the midst of a well-organized naval flotilla which was proceeding at top speed on a set course towards a huge black, war cloud on the horizon.
     The people on the naval ships began to shout through high-powered megaphones and warned the steamer to get out of the area, as they were in danger. Then helicopters flew over the steamer and they also used megaphones and dropped leaflets to warn them to get out of the war zone.
     However, there was no one at the helm on the steamer and the sound of music coming from it was deafening. The people on the steamer were so drunk and busy partying they could not comprehend what was happening.
     Suddenly, the steamer exploded violently. Debris flew everywhere. An enemy missile had destroyed them.
     This brought a new concern to the leaders of the naval flotilla—should they stop and look for survivors? After a quick assessment of the situation the persons in charge made the difficult decision to remain at top speed and on course in order to continue to pursue the enemy.
     They continued to approach the enemy war cloud at top speed. Then the vision ended.


     A tramp steamer is a freight ship with no regular schedule, picking up cargo and passengers wherever it may be. The high seas indicate the world. Euphoria is an excessive feeling of well-being or happiness. S.S. stands for salvation saints.
     This steamer without a course blundered onto a fast moving flotilla with a clear cut goal, purpose and direction, i.e., to engage an enemy seen on the horizon.
     The flotilla personnel realized the steamer had inadvertently placed itself in a war zone and made every attempt to communicate to them their danger and the necessity of removing themselves from the war zone.
     The steamer personnel, however, were totally oblivious as to what was happening to them and they were dedicated to pleasing themselves with a party time atmosphere.
     Their ignorance caused their own destruction by the enemy.
     Because of the urgency of the time the flotilla personnel had to make a difficult decision to stay in pursuit of the enemy.


     We are now entering into a time of almost total warfare with the enemy of our soul. Without being in tune and in touch with God's Holy Spirit, we will drift aimlessly and meaninglessly onto the seas of the world. The time of seeking for euphoria is over. As true salvation saints we must — simply must — enlist ourselves into God's military forces. The naval flotilla is representative of spiritual warfare and intercession.
     It's clear from the vision that God wants us to be highly organized, powerful and directional. When we see our brothers and sisters wandering about without awareness of the significance of the spiritual times we must warn them. With our personal prayers (helicopter) and in our personal conversations (megaphones) and public writings to them (leaflets). This is not an option. Failure to warn them may result in their immediate and sudden destruction. This is particularly important for those of you called to be watchmen. The warnings of Ezekiel 3:17-21 and 33:1-20 apply here.
     Understand, also, that God will continue to sovereignly send times of euphoria upon certain individuals and groups. The distinction to be made is that we are not to continue to seek after such experiences. Whether you have or have not had such an experience, shift your spirit into warfare mode. If God sovereignly moves on you for a specific experience, He has His reasons. If not, warfare is the mode.
     God has released a spirit of prophetic warfare among His people. We must grasp it by faith. And we must speak the words He gives us and they shall become a reality in the spiritual realm and accomplish that which they have been sent out to do. We must believe this by faith. And having spoken all that He has given us we are to stand. And we are to know, by faith, that His heavenly flotilla is accomplishing that which we have spoken that is of Him.
