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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


April 13, 1998




     I saw fireworks with sparklers. A light was going up straight into the air and when it reached sufficient height it began to rain sparklers. I then became aware of an outline of the continental United States. It looked like it had been cut out of something, and was flat. I could see that the light was shooting up somewhere in the Northeast U.S. and the sparklers were falling down around that same vicinity, but in a much expanded area. Some of the sparklers were going as far as the West Coast of the U.S. and the Texas area and around the middle part of othe U.S.
     Then I became aware that the cutout of the U.S. had some slight depth to it, enough to make it self-supporting of its own weight. This cutout of the U.S. was supported by a lamp shaft. As I continued to watch I saw the lamp base, then the lamp cord.
     I then saw that the “map” lamp was on a desk top, and there was a hand pulling a chain-type off-on switch hanging down from the bottom of the “map.” The chain was located below the area that produced the sparklers.
     The hand pulled the chain down, and that turned on the shaft of light which produced the sparklers.
     Next I saw a legal pad, with several pages already turned, and saw the hand holding a pen. As I watched it began to write in longhand. I could not see the writing in order to read it, but got the words “I shall write my laws upon their heart.” (This is a paraphrase of part of Jeremiah 31:33). Then I got the scripture “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee” (Isaiah 60:1).
     The view backed off a little and I could see the desk, with the “map” lamp, and the legal pad with the pen, and the writing on the pad.


     The first thing I saw was the fireworks with the sparklers. I believe this indicates a new move of God, that is different from what we've seen so far. Different in that it is a different manifestation. The fact that the light went straight up into the air speaks, I believe, of intercessory prayers of the saints. Prayers that have reached the heart of God, and He has sent the manifestation of those prayers back upon earth as sparklers.
     The light was coming from a small area of the N.E. United States and the sparklers were falling in a much larger area, with some reaching far beyond the localized area. The prayers of the saints will have an immediate flow of Holy Spirit power in that area, with far-reaching effects throughout the U.S.
     The lamp speaks of Psalms 119:105: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” and Proverbs 6:23, 24: “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.” Verses 25-29 continue to speak of the perils of adultery. I believe the lamp represents witchcraft in the N.E. section and the perils of spiritual and physical adultery. With the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the demonic forces behind this activity will be forced to flee.
     The desk top and the legal pad speak of legal, scholarly influence which has taught the hand to turn on this light. This, I believe, speaks of the law schools of Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, etc.which originally trained ministers of the Gospel that were responsible for originally planting the seed from which will come this harvest. This hand not only turned on the light but wrote of the influence of the light, i.e. “I shall write my laws upon their heart” and “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”
     That the view backed off to include everything in the vision indicates that all the factors that were seen contributed to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in that area.


     Pray, pray, pray, church! God is going to start a new move in the N.E. area of the U.S. which will harvest souls locally and throughout the U.S.
     This vision is an encouragement for the intercessors who valiantly battle the forces of darkness without any personal recognition. It's also an encouragement to continue to teach, train, mature and release the saints into the ministry in order to shepherd and train the new harvest of souls.
     When these activities are pursued with diligence, it will produce a situation where there exists a spiritual off-on switch which properly trained human hands can turn on to bring God's glory showering down upon those areas.
     This vision is specifically for the N.E. U.S. However, I feel there are many in other areas who have been struggling with these activities and are on the brink of giving them up. This vision will cause hope to rise up and encourage you to diligently continue what you've been doing. Your activities will bear Godly fruit!
