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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


October 24, 1998

     The Father says to His church, that we are coming to the time of our finest hour. We are coming to the time when all that has been spoken from of old shall begin to manifest, first in the natural, and then in the supernatural.

     For I have a remnant army, says the Lord, that is faithful and diligent in the exercise of their spiritual armament, in the exercise of the gifts and the talents that I have given unto them. And they are consumed by the things that are of Me. They are in this world, but they are not of this world. They have sought My face, they have sought Me and they have found Me. And the magnitude and the scope and the quality of their work shall shortly be made manifest in the world.
     And many shall fail to recognize that My hand is upon My remnant army. Many shall shun them, and ignore them and pass them by in order to seek the glory that comes from the adoration of their fellow man. And so they will rally around those who by the sheer quantity of the things that they do, and by the volume of the things that they do, and by the amount of attention that has been given unto them—these shall be drawn away unto those—who are fulfilling their own purposes.
     But My church, My glorious army, has gone on ahead. And they know all of the evil tactics of the enemy. And their accomplishments shall bring Me glory, says the Lord, and not glory unto themselves. For they are seeking a city, whose foundation and building are built upon My word and upon the lifting up of My Son, Jesus Christ. And as they draw men unto My only begotten Son, there will be a harvest of great proportions. And there will be many of that harvest who shall be equipped and trained and matured by those of My army.
     There will be others who will be attracted by the worldly things after having seen My glory. And they shall go after their own personal glory in the pursuit of the worldly things. But My army shall grow, My army shall increase, it shall sustain powerful growth and many shall become leaders and many shall continue to exalt the name of My Son and bring Me glory, through Him, and through Him crucified.
     And there shall be much distraction that continues. There is much that has been written, it is in My word. There are many things that would distract you. There are many things that would concern you. There are many things that would occur that would cause you to depart from My army. But as you keep your eye upon Me and as you continue to build upon the foundation of My word and My Son and My Holy Spirit, the glory will be so dazzling as to blind you from the pale, weak glory of that which men attempt to create for themselves. For I am a God of glory and all things are done unto My glory by My army. And so shall you come into the presence of My glory. And as you continue to come into the presence of My glory, how much greater will be the anointing that I pour out upon My faithful ones! How much greater will your love for Me and My love for you be manifested! For I am also a God of love, and those things that transpire shall be a reflection of My love that is in you and that you have for one another and for Me.
     And the things that are eternal shall begin to become manifested in the world and that which is temporal shall begin to fade. And as My army continues to march steadily to the pulse of My heartbeat, it shall accomplish great things for My glory through My love. And because of the greatness and the magnitude of the harvest, My heart will overflow with love into the hearts of those who are My army. And it shall be a grand and glorious time of My remnant church.
     And the brightness of My glory and of My love shall shine in the earth. And it shall shine in the hearts of the men and women of My army.
