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His Word ... a prophetic perspective



December 4, 1997

God's Train


     I was looking at an aerial view of a train. It was going up the mountains and down into the valleys. It was fast, quiet and just kept on going at the same speed, regardless of some of the steep mountains. The surrounding countryside was absolutely gorgeous. Differing trees and plants, with different textures, colors and sizes.
     The Lord quickly identified the two railroad tracks – one was called Truth and the other was called Righteousness. Then He said He had given us the earth and the fullness thereof.
     Then the scene changed. The train became a trolley car. The surrounding countryside was replaced with a small, rustic town, complete with old beautiful buildings and sidewalks and outdoor cafes and parks. The Lord said that He had given us all of this to enjoy, not to fear.
     The trolley car became a horse drawn carriage. The countryside was beautiful, rolling, multi-colored, richly splattered with variety and color and shadings.
     Yet while seeing the trolley car and the horse drawn carriage, I never lost sight of the train. I knew they were manifestations of the same thing.
     I could see the train relentlessly speeding on, the landscape constantly changing. Green covered mountains were replaced with snow-covered caps. Ice and snow starkly contrasted the rocks and the waterfalls and streams.
     Never before have I ever seen the earth displayed so beautifully, so fully. It created a desire in me to see more and more. And to be dazzled and stunned by the glory of all that God has created for us.
     Then the Lord told me the engine in the train was called Justice. The tracks, you remember, were called Truth and Righteousness. The engine Justice. Then He said the railroad ties were laid line upon line, precept upon precept and were laid upon the foundation of the Word.
     He was constantly reminding me that He had given us dominion over the earth and that we were to enjoy everything He had created for us.
     On and on the train sped. It never slowed down and never stopped. It seemed to be running extremely efficiently and knew what it had to do.
     Mountaintops, blue skies, white clouds, green foliage and trees waving slightly in the breeze. Gold and red tones of autumn, ice and snow of winter. The train sped on.
     And on and on. Never slowing, never stopping.
     The Lord said He has given us everything we need to enjoy the beauty and variety and richness of all the earth. We are not to deny ourselves from enjoying that which He has given to us. He continued to urge us to forget our fears and instead to begin to appreciate the richness of what He has provided us with.
     And the train just kept speeding on.

     The centerpiece of this vision is the train and different manifestations such as a trolley car and a horse drawn carriage. The constant forward motion of the train–fast, efficient and purposeful–is the next main factor in the vision. The accentuated beauty of the earth and the desireability to see more of it follows that.
     The train is symbolic of training, with many different groups all coupled together in a single purpose. It is driven by God's Justice based on His Truth and Righteousness, along a way that has been prepared line upon line and precept upon precept taken from His Word, which is the foundation beneath the train and the tracks.
     God is saying that His Justice (which is the use of authority and power to uphold what is good), guided by His Truth and Righteousness, which has been learned by His church, line upon line, precept upon precept, is going over all the earth. It is being taught by many different groups, who although not connected in the natural, are connected by a common purpose in the supernatural.
     God is jealous for His earth. He created it for us and is distressed that it is being torn apart and scorned. He wants us to realize that His Justice is going over all the earth, by His Truth and Righteousness.

     We are to be aware of this and consciously “get on the train.”
     It also re-emphasized that the day of the single “star” mentality ministerial syndrome is no more. Teams, groups and commonality in purpose is important because that's a prelude to true spiritual unity.
     It's also a reminder to take time out to “smell the roses” along the way. And to learn to appreciate all that God has already given us. If we don't really appreciate God's handiwork of our created earth, what will we think of the new version when He burns this one up? And where His Justice will shine in its fullest glory?
     You are not a lonely stranger waiting for a slow train somewhere. No, you belong with a team, with a group and a train that's waiting for you.
     There are many such. A tremendous variety. Multi-cultural, multi-racial, all over the world. Waiting for you.
     Will you get aboard?
