I saw, in a vision, a huge eagle, which was golden in color. And
I heard the words Golden Eagle. He was flying very high above a series of mountain
ranges. I sensed that this eagle had been heavily anointed with oil and had, in fact, taken on the color
of the oil.
In researching the Golden Eagle, I found that there are 59 different kinds of eagles in the world, all found in the Northern Hemisphere. Only two of those kinds live
in North Americathe Golden Eagle and the Bald Eagle. There are also eight other species
of Golden Eagles, all in Eurasia. The smallest is the lesser spotted eagle, with a wingspan of about
5 feet, migrating from central Europe to as far south as South Africa. The largest is the wedge-tailed
eagle in Australia, a mostly black bird with a wingspan of as much as a little over eight feet.
In North America the Golden Eagle ranges from Alaska and
southern Canada as far south as Central Mexico, but is most common in the mountains of the western
United States and Canada. It is rarely found east of the Mississippi. In Mexico, it has been designated
the national bird.
The adult Golden Eagles body is usually dark brown with the
crown and nape feathers edged in gold. Younger Golden Eagles have patches of white on their wings
and at the base of the tail. They usually have a wing span of six to seven feet and are 30 to 40 inches
long, weighing eight to twelve pounds with legs that are feathered to the toes. The eagle species is
ranked as one of the biggest, most powerful birds in the world and the females are larger than the
males, the Golden Eagle female sometimes noticeably so. The Golden Eagle is extremely strong and
great care must be exercised in handling them in captivity. Because of their powerful wings they can
soar on the winds for hours, attaining great heights. Eagles are noted for their sharp vision, spotting
a jack rabbit from two miles up. To protect their eyes from injury the eagle has a third eyelid that
it can see through. This eyelid is called a nictitating membrane. It moves across the eye from side
to side, cleaning and moistening the eye.
The Golden Eagle inhabits the most barren and mountainous
areas, especially in the United States. The eagles nest (eyries) is large and coarse, built of
sticks and twigs and is usually located on cliffs, but may also be found in trees. The nest is used
from year to year, with the birds adding more sticks, so the nest may eventually be as large as ten
feet across, four feet thick and five feet high. The female usually lays about two eggs, often doing
most of the incubation. The females feed and tend the young while the males provide most of the
food. It takes 35 to 45 days to incubate the eggs. It takes 90 to 100 days for the young Golden Eagles
to reach independence from their parents. Because mortality rates in these young birds may be up
to 75 percent, it may take up to 10 years to produce two breeding birds from a single set of parents.
Not all eagles migrate but most go south when food supplies decline.
The Bible notes the eagles swiftness (Deuteronomy 28:49;
2 Samuel 1:23; Jeremiah 4:13), their endurance and power (Proverbs 23:5; Isaiah 40:31), and the
eagles care and concern for its young, as an example of Gods protection of His people.
(Exodus 19:4; Deuteronomy 32:11).
There are many kinds of Golden Eagles, and different species
seem to be limited to certain geographical areas. They range in size from comparatively small to much
larger. I see in this a comparison to the anointed Golden Eagle
prophets of God. They are from many different countries, and some are limited in the scope of their
prophetic operations to certain localities. And the effect of their prophetic ministry runs from small
to much larger.
They are distinctively marked and are very strong. They have
powerful wings and sharp vision with a third eyelid to ensure clarity of vision. They can soar for hours
and spot a jack rabbit from two miles up. Females are often quite a bit larger than the males. Golden Eagle prophets, mature and young, are distinctive
people and are strong in the Lord. They have powerful spiritual wings and can soar in the heavenlies
for hours. With their prophetic vision they can see even what appears to be a very small thing. Note
that the females are not only larger, but the Golden Eagle female is often noticeably larger than the
males. I hope that corrects some bad theological stances on female prophets.
They live in barren and mountainous areas with a large, coarse
nest usually on cliffs or in trees. The nest is maintained for years and grows to a large size by the
addition of more sticks. The young Golden Eagles reach a point of sovereignty from their parents
in a relatively short period of time. These young birds have a high mortality rate and it may take many
years to produce two breeding birds from a single set of parents. Golden Eagle prophets are often in barren and mountainous
areas. They have adapted their spiritual homes to the barren and rugged terrain that they are in. And
they continue to maintain that spiritual home over many years by simply adding to the size of it. As
with the Golden Eagles, young prophets in this present dispensation of time mature rapidly. However,
there is a very high mortality rate among the younger prophets because of their unpopularity with
the traditional church. It may take a long time to produce wise teaching (breeding birds)
Eagles are noted in the Bible for their swiftness, endurance and
power. God uses them as an example of His care and concern and protection of His people. Like all eagles, Golden Eagles are swift, with strong endurance and power. They are used by God because of their concern for His people to care for them spiritually and to protect His people from all adverse circumstances and situations. The bottom line of
the prophetic minister is healing for restoration.
This is the word that I received in conjunction with the Golden
Eagle vision:
The Father says:
Those things that I have revealed to you in the past, those things
that have been spoken out by those to whom I have given the message, those things are about to come
to be, says the Lord. For I have set among you those prophetic voices that shall speak unto you the
things that are to come. And I have poured out a greater anointing upon those yielded vessels, My
friends, the prophets, to speak out that which I am about to do.
And you must learn to recognize those voices. You must learn
to differentiate between the voices of those who are speaking out My words and the voices of those
who are speaking out their words. For there are many who are speaking out their own words, speaking
out their own thoughts. There are many who have given themselves over to the spirit of this world
in a desire to please men and to put themselves in a position of favor with those same men. But these
do not speak My messages. Those who speak My messages speak with My authority and you shall
know them. For you shall know them by their fruits. And by their fruits you will determine the quality
of the tree. For a good tree cannot bear bad fruit. And a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. But those
who speak My messages have good fruit in their lives because they are a good tree.
And so many things that are now transpiring on this earth are
being molded and shaped daily in the hearts of men and women who have their own desires and goals
in mind. And there are many who continue in the midst of the calamity and the pain and the suffering
that is occurring throughout this world who are taking advantage of these situations in order to bring
about gain in their own lives. And these are an abomination unto Me, says the Lord. And it is by the
prayers of the saints that many of these things are prevented from being. And there are many things
which could continue to be prevented by the prayers of My saints.
For I desire the prayers of My saints. I desire them to put their
dependency upon Me and upon My power to shape and mold, rather than allowing those with impure
motives to continue to shape and mold events for their own personal desire and their own personal
For this is a difficult time, this is a stress filled time for all those
who would walk the straight and narrow path, for the pressures are many, the temptations are many.
But My people, who are called by My name hear My voice and they follow Me, and they look neither
to the left nor the right, but they follow Me for they know My voice. And those who do not know
My voice go in many different directions and they do not follow Me.
I desire that you follow Me, and I have sent My prophets and
I have strongly and powerfully anointed them. I have now poured out an even stronger anointing upon
those who can and will receive it so that they may speak unto you that which I am about to do. And
your spirit shall bear witness unto their words and your spirit by the Spirit that is within you you will
discern the falseness of those who do not speak My words. Hear the words of My prophets and keep
your eye upon Me and follow Me, says the Lord. For the times are difficult and the burdens of the
world are many but My burden is light and My yoke is easy for those who continue true and faithful
unto Him Who is Creator and Maintainer of all things.
Do not be disturbed by those who speak forth words that would
discourage, scenarios that would put great fear into you, events that would paralyze you with terror.
Hear My prophets, hear My voice through them, continue in the straight and narrow way. And I will
be your shield and your buckler and your rear guard and it shall not come near you.
For just as Noah continued to build that which was incomprehensible to those that were about him and as he continued to warn and urge and encourage all who would
hear to come into the safety of the ark that he was buildingin the same way many shall ignore
you, many shall mock you, many shall laugh at you. But continue building, continue building that
which is your true ark of safety. Continue to build with the living stones that you are, the temple of
your living God, that all may see the work of your hands.
And my servant Jude has well written descriptions of those things
which you are now encountering. And the fullness of all that you desire rests totally in the power
of your God, Who loves you and Who leads you, and Who longs for you.