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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


February 5, 1999

Hearken to His Voice

     The Father says through His Holy Spirit:

     There are those within My church who hear My voice and who continue to do My will in the living of their lives. There are those within My church who hear My voice and question the source, and begin to analyze where it came from and then ignore it, especially when it’s inconvenient for them or uncomfortable for them to hear what I am telling them.
     I will not attempt to shout down the voice of your own conscience within you as you react to the sound of My voice as I speak to you. You must learn to recognize My voice and you must learn to listen to what I have to tell you. Because I do not speak forth My words in vain and they shall not return unto Me void.
     How can a leader lead if he does not hearken unto the voice of his Leader? How can a prophet prophesy if he does not hearken unto the voice of his Creator? How can the evangelist speak forth My timely word for that season if he does not hearken unto the voice of his Saviour? How can the shepherd speak to his flock if he does not hearken unto the voice of the Good and Great Shepherd?
     There are many in the church who prefer to hear the voice of another, be it the voice of a man or be it the voice of a spirit which is not of Me. I am holding you accountable, I am holding you responsible for hearkening unto My voice. For the things that I speak forth are for your good, and for your guidance and in order to bring Me glory. Do not ignore that which I say unto you.
     And those who hearken unto My voice and who obey that which I have spoken unto them shall I speak unto them even further and shall I give them even more details and even more information and reveal even more of My plans unto them because they are My obedient servants. Do not think that I have only a select few unto whom I speak, for I speak to all of My children and you are all responsible for responding and hearkening to My voice.
     So when you hear one speak that they have heard My voice and that I said thus and so, do not be jealous, do not be envious and do not censure yourself because you are not worthy to be spoken unto by Me. For I have spoken unto you and you have ignored My voice and you have avoided My voice. And you have pursued your own way and shrugged Me off because I did not come to you in a great wind and with great power and with great force. But I came to you in a still, small voice and I spoke power unto you.
     So hearken unto My voice and learn to speak forth the oracles and the prophetic utterances and the things that I speak unto you. For My words are life unto you and they are words that are to be spoken unto My body to bring life to them. For I am a God of life and I am an active God and I speak to My people, all of you.
     And you have been made worthy to hear My voice by the blood that was shed by My Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross, for you. Do not trample underfoot that blood by failing to hear that which I speak unto you or by attributing it to the voice of another. For My sheep hear My voice, and the voice of another they will not follow. You are the sheep of My hand, and you are the ones to whom I speak. Hearken unto My voice for I speak to you and I want you to hear that which I speak unto you. Words of life, words of guidance and words that will bring Me glory.
