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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


Homosexual community, gay marriage, sexual and family values

Why Are There Homosexuals?

        There are, of course, many psychological and physiological factors that would contribute to a boy’s orienting and identifying himself with homosexuality.
        There is no direct scientific evidence that homosexuality is inherited although some studies have so indicated. These studies, upon closer investigation, have been refuted as being flawed. So the controversy rages with a lack of conclusive evidence. However, studies have shown there is a relationship, in male homosexuality, with a boy’s relationship with his parents, and in particular, his father, before the boy became a homosexual. When the boy feels that his father is rejecting him in some way, either outright or by psychological distancing, he fails to identify his own gender. The same holds true when there is no father in the family during the boy’s formative years. This sense of rejection by father and/or son is usually a mutual one, accompanied by a sense of helplessness by both parties.
        The lack of a healthy relationship of a boy with his father is a strong factor and can’t be ignored. This leaves a boy lacking a male role model with which he can identify and as this sense of lack works out in his life as he grows, he seeks a bonding with another male which takes a different, physical and sexual bonding.
        Studies on young girls who become lesbians seem to be lacking in qualitative depth as most studies on the subject draw their conclusions based upon studies of male homosexuals.

Societal Values And Homosexuality

        There are a whole range of emotions displayed when the subject of “gay marriages” comes up. There are violent arguments for and against such a legal union.
        What is it about this subject that draws such vicious attacks and such vicious defense?
        Some people find homosexuality personally offensive to them. Some state moral and ethical codes which should be considered. Some say that the societal values have always reflected the fact that marriage is a union that can only be consummated by a man and a woman.
        There are varying definitions and descriptions of what a homosexual is, what a lesbian is and what the term “gay” means. Then there’s the subject of bisexuality. It’s difficult to realistically utilize these differing terms without arousing a variety of emotions.
        In this article I’ll take the “societal impact and value” approach and attempt to discuss it. When we mix our personal moral and theological values with the subject of “gay people” there is an emotional steam that arises and fogs our decision glasses to such a degree that we can’t even see the pot from which it came.
        In the broadest overview, if we push heterosexual relationships and marriage to an extreme in our societal values and totally exclude homosexuality from our consideration we can easily see the results of such an exclusionary societal value and practice. In this heterosexual extreme, men and woman cohabitate and/or marry with a consequent percentage of babies being born. Society continues with the population dying in their old age, but with new babies being born to take the place of older retired and dying citizens. There are a lot of peripheral issues that could be discussed here, but are not within the scope of this discussion.
        In this broad imaginary overview, if we now push homosexual relationships and marriage to an extreme in our societal values and totally exclude heterosexuality from our consideration we can easily see the results of such an exclusionary societal value and practice. In this homosexual extreme, men cohabitating and/or marrying men, or women cohabitating and/or marrying women there would be few, if any, babies born. Any babies from such a union would have to automatically either include adultery with a partner of the opposite sex to impregnate a woman, or artificial insemination. Society would also continue with the population dying in their old age, but with few, if any, babies being born to take the place of older retired and dying citizens. There are also a lot of peripheral issues that could be discussed here, but are not within the scope of this discussion. If a true exclusively homosexual/lesbian cohabitation and/or marriage were practiced, there would be no babies being born and within 100 years there would be no human beings left on this earth.
        Scary, huh?
        The next societal value to look at is the working dynamics of a marriage. Marriage between a man and a woman involves union in sexual intercourse, which is an important expression of mutual love and also continues to keep our planet populated by the attendant pregnancy and motherhood which accompanies such a union. Unfortunately, there is a problem in our current society in that abortion of these babies has become an item of convenience for irresponsible persons who don’t understand that real “choice” must be made before engaging in sexual intercourse, not after they have become pregnant. This has had a tremendous effect upon our society and economy, but again, that subject is not within the scope of this article.
        Heterosexual sexual intercourse continues the cycle of humanity on this earth. This expression of mutual love by a man and a woman serves a biological function to create new life. With the arrival of the new baby, a family, i.e., a male husband and a female wife, is then redefined as “baby makes three.” As more babies are born to the married male husband and female wife, the family becomes larger. In time the children of this union also marry and continue the procreation process by expressions of love. With more time, there is built up a familial unit of mother and father, grandsons and granddaughters, great-grandsons and daughters, uncles, aunts, cousins, birthday celebrations, graduation ceremonies, recognition of wedding anniversaries, establishment of family traditions and etc. Moral and ethical values will have been formed and redefined and refined and practiced—all built around the mutual love, protection, safety and desirability of the family unit. These values will be incorporated into the cultural values of the contemporary society in which these families live.
        This is all very basic, isn’t it?
        In the sexual union of men and men and women and women, there is no such biological function available. There is no life in such a union, only sensual pleasure. The cycle of continuing humanity doesn’t exist. There is no baby, there is no larger family with moral and ethical values being formed, redefined, refined and practiced. There is nothing to contribute to the cultural values of the contemporary society in which these people (not a family) live.
        Again, this is all very basic, isn’t it?
        In order to have a baby, adultery and/or fornication may be resorted to. This is not an addition to cultural values, it negates value. Artificial insemination may be utilized, which I understand is not really a very loving physical act in itself. Only with a marriage between a man and a woman can artificial insemination be a source for true loving acts.
        At this point we have to ask ourselves what we really want as societal values, don’t we? Society’s approval of a moment of sexual sensual pleasure for its own sake? Is this a loving act between two men—or between two women? Is there really any purpose in this practice other than pure selfishness? There is obviously no value to morality, ethics or societal values, is there? There is no value in perpetuating the human race is there?

Just The Facts ... On Homosexual Households

        The Family Research Council poses the question: “Are homosexual households ... simply another variant of human relationships that should be considered, along with marriage, as “part of mainstream American society?””
        The Family Research Council has compiled statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Census Bureau, Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census, U.S. Department of Justice, General Social Survey, the National Health and Social Life Survey, statistics from the state of Vermont and Sweden (where civil unions of homosexuals are legal), and the Netherlands (where "gay marriage" is legal), and various sociological and demographic studies.
        I urge you to visit their web page entitled “Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples,” by Timothy J. Dailey, Ph. D. There you will find the article complete with reference material substantiating what I’m quoting here from that page.
        The Family Research Council states that “... the evidence indicates that “committed” homosexual relationships are radically different from married couples in several key respects:”
        “relationship duration”
        “monogamy vs. promiscuity”
        “relationship commitment”
        “number of children being raised”
        “health risks”
        “rates of intimate partner violence”         Male homosexual relationships last only a fraction of the length of most heterosexual marriages and few homosexual relationships achieve the longevity common in heterosexual marriages. A study of homosexual men in the Netherlands published in the journal AIDS found that the “duration of steady partnerships” was 1.5 years.         Their research indicates that the average male homosexual has hundreds to thousands of sex partners in his lifetime. Homosexual relationships ascribe a radically different meaning to “committed” or “monogamous.” Many self-described ‘monogamous’ couples reported an average of three to five partners in the past year. All couples with a relationship lasting more than five years have incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity in their relationships and view sexual relations outside the relationship to be the norm and adopting monogamous standards as an act of oppression.
        Sexual relationships are primarily for pleasure rather than procreation. And they are taught that monogamy in a marriage is not the norm and should be discouraged if one wants a good “marital” relationship.         Research shows there is a significant difference between the negligible lifetime fidelity rate of 4.5 percent cited for homosexuals and the 75 to 85 percent cited for married couples. This indicates that even “committed” homosexual relationships display a fundamental incapacity for the faithfulness and commitment that is axiomatic to the institution of marriage.
        Surprisingly few homosexuals and lesbians choose to enter into legally recognized unions where such arrangements are available, indicating that such couples do not share the same view of commitment as typified by married couples.
        Data from Vermont, Sweden, and the Netherlands, where same-sex unions or marriages were made legal, reveal that only a small percentage of homosexuals and lesbians identify themselves as being in a committed relationship, with even fewer taking advantage of civil unions or, in the case of the Netherlands, of same-sex “marriage.” This indicates that even in the most “gay friendly” localities, the vast majority of homosexuals and lesbians display little inclination for the kind of lifelong, committed relationships that they purport to desire to enter. As a typical example, 79 percent of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont choose not to enter into civil unions. In Sweden, about 98 percent of Swedish homosexuals and lesbians do not officially register as same-sex couples. In the Netherlands, where “gay marriage ” is legal, only 2.8 percent of the homosexual and lesbian population have registered their unions as “married.” In other words, 97 percent of homosexuals and lesbians in the Netherlands chose not to get “married.”         Only a small minority of gay and lesbian households have children. Beyond that, the evidence also indicates that comparatively few homosexuals choose to establish households together—the type of setting that is normally prerequisite for the rearing of children. Only a small percentage of partnered homosexual households actually have children. Those that do may include biological children conceived in a previous heterosexual relationship. The evidence does not support the claim that significant numbers of homosexuals desire to provide a stable home for children.         The evidence indicates that homosexual and lesbian relationships are at far greater risk for contracting life-threatening disease compared with married couples. Young gay men have become more likely to contract HIV from a steady sexual partner than from a casual one. Lesbians involved in exclusive sexual relationships also are not at reduced risk for sexual disease.
        Homosexual and lesbian relationships experience a far greater rate of mental health problems and suicide attempts compared to married couples and non-homosexual peers.         Research indicates very high levels of violence in homosexual and lesbian relationships. 90 percent of the lesbians surveyed had been recipients of one or more acts of verbal aggression from their intimate partners during the year prior to this study, with 31 percent reporting one or more incidents of physical abuse. The incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population.
        Surveys conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice confirm that homosexual and lesbian relationships had a far greater incidence of domestic partner violence than opposite-sex relationships including cohabitation or marriage.

A Social/Political Agenda: Redefining Marriage

        In addition to the findings from their research the Family Research Council also state they “... present evidence from gay activists themselves indicating that behind the push for gay marriage lies a political agenda to radically change the institution of marriage itself” by pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and family, and in the process transforming the very fabric of society.
        Former homosexual William Aaron explains why even homosexuals involved in “committed” relationships do not practice monogamy: “In the gay life, fidelity is almost impossible. Since part of the compulsion of homosexuality seems to be a need on the part of the homophile to “absorb” masculinity from his sexual partners, he must be constantly on the lookout for [new partners]. Consequently the most successful homophile “marriages” are those where there is an arrangement between the two to have affairs on the side while maintaining the semblance of permanence in their living arrangement.”
        The article ends with this summary: “The evidence is overwhelming that homosexual and lesbian “committed” relationships are not the equivalent of marriage. In addition, there is little evidence that homosexuals and lesbians truly desire to commit themselves to the kind of monogamous relationships as signified by marriage. What remains, then, is the disturbing possibility that behind the demands for “gay marriage” lurks an agenda of undermining the very nature of the institution of marriage.”

The Fantasy Of The Homosexual Lifestyle

        Apart from any theological arguments, or any morality arguments, the societal value of “gay marriage” must be measured as a negative value by those who are responsible guardians of our contemporary society.
        When a man refers to another man as his “wife” or a woman refers to another woman as her “wife,” it startles reality, doesn’t it? What is being tacitly stated is that there is a make-believe “marriage” which, statistically, will be a relationship of short duration, with both people having multiple sexual partners, that any commitment to such a “marriage” is lip-service only to satisfy an unstated heterosexual societal code, a horribly artificial and contrived method of incorporating babies into the “marriage” (in those very few instances where children are in such a household), an on-going scenario of mental health problems working themselves out in day to day living, many of which will turn into verbal aggression and domestic violence. And all the while living in a shroud of fear of contracting deadly sexually transmitted diseases.
        Does this qualify as an ugly self-deceiving “let’s pretend” “fantasy” or not?

Problems In The Heterosexual Community

        Before you get all self-righteous remember that the study by the Family Research Council is entitled “Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples.” It doesn’t simply select homosexual unions and then paint an all negative picture—it compares the “gay lifestyle” with the “straight lifestyle.” Both lifestyles have the same negative impact and values. What the statistics and studies show is that in comparing the two different lifestyles these negative societal values statistically occur with more frequency and intensity in the homosexual lifestyle than in the heterosexual lifestyle. It’s not a case of either/or, rather one of both/and. Nobody comes up smelling like a rose in the study.
        Heterosexual unions also have a problem with short term relationships, promiscuous behavior, lack of commitment to the relationship, a rising abortion rate because children are not wanted, mental and physical abuse and domestic violence.
        Much to our shame, there is also a lack of responsibility in heterosexual marriages and heterosexual cohabitation without marriage.
        However, positive impact from positive societal values over many centuries puts social and peer pressure upon those who value the role of the family unit as the core of our social values. But with the proliferation of both heterosexual and homosexual relationships impacting society with negative values, the traditional values which our society values are being put at risk of being watered down and polluted so as to be meaningless. Longevity of relationships, monogamous relationships, lifetime commitments, birthing babies and providing these growing future citizens with a happy and safe domestic family environment, sparing them from situations that cause mental health problems and exposure to deadly sexually transmitted diseases, verbal aggression and domestic violence—these are all important factors for healthy family relationships and for children who are growing up and maturing.
        Because the liberal media and interests have managed to classify criticisms of the “gay lifestyle” as being “politically incorrect” in the minds of an ignorant and accepting public, it must be realized that something is wrong with the politics and the politicians and other special interest groups who continue to attempt to foster negative social values where you and I live. Blind acceptance by the public of these logical fallacies puts blame for the state of things as they now are on them also.
        These negative social values are also being promoted as being desirable for the heterosexual lifestyle by a liberal media. The homosexual or “gay” community is more than glad to add their voice to attempt to impact heterosexual society with negative values. A large percentage of TV series and “specials,” popular songs, movies, books, commentaries and newspaper articles reflect that fact. There are many alliances formed by those in the “gay” community and those who oppose traditional societal values for the purpose of destroying every trace of Western civilization and American values in our society.

Who Has A Hidden Agenda?

        In looking at the statistics and studies and conclusions to be drawn from them, there are several things that should stand out. The majority of the homosexual community is really quite content with their short term, promiscuous, relationships, devoid of any real commitment and avoiding the responsibility of raising children. They are also well aware of the risks involved in excessive verbal and physical abuse and exposure to deadly sexually transmitted diseases, and the domestic violence.
        In other words, they are content to “do their thing,” with one exception—they want the American privilege to do their thing, in private, without persecution and harassment and being looked down upon as somehow inferior in our society. It could be called a desire for peaceful coexistence. That description, of course, doesn’t fit the more radical among them. By the “more radical among them” I mean those members of the “gay community” who blatantly perform sex acts in public places, who dress up as members of the opposite sex, who have surgical procedures to attempt to change their gender, who promote the desireability of having sex with children and who actively pursue especially perverted sexually deviant practices.
        Marked progress has been made in some quarters of our society in acceptance of the homosexual person as a subculture of our society. Not everyone, of course, falls into that category. There are also radicals among the heterosexual community who would use force against the homosexual community to adapt to and adopt heterosexual societal values and practices.
        But, a favorable climate for “coming out of the closet” was being felt by many in the homosexual community, because these human beings, like the rest of us, want acceptance of themselves as a person. Admittedly, this is a difficult choice for homosexuals and lesbians to make as it leaves them open and exposed to a lot of things.
        It’s equally as difficult for heterosexuals to “accept” the homosexual lifestyle so “acceptance” has to be modified, if not redefined. “Acceptance” of the homosexual person is established, but with certain limitations in the mind of the acceptor.
        As this limited acceptance was being felt in some, but not all, levels of heterosexual society, the special interest groups become aware of a new tool, a new weapon, that could be used by them to help bring about the demise of Western civilization and American societal moral values.
        The leftist liberals boldly and deceitfully put their plan into action.
        So what happened? What happened is that those leftist liberals among us who hate the liberty and freedom of America and hate the Western civilization in particular has whipped them up into an evangelical frenzy to pro-actively force their heterosexual lifestyle upon the rest of us.
        To put it more bluntly, they have become confused and used and abused by those leftist liberals to advance the leftist liberal cause under the guise of “civil rights” for the homosexual community.
        In fact, the homosexual community has every right that every other American has. They are free to marry anyone of their choice of the opposite sex. To want to put a law into effect that makes it legal to marry a person of the same sex is not “equal rights.” That would be a “special right,” wouldn’t it?
        When the homosexual community switched their tactics from simply attempting to gain a higher degree of acceptance in the heterosexual community, and attempted to prove that homosexual households are remarkably similar to heterosexual married couples and that there is no cultural or moral difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality they encountered a resistance they didn’t expect.
        And when our gutless, spineless, greedy, vote-hungry chameleon-like politicians thought that the homosexual community was a greater political force than they are, those same politicians began to hypocritically cater to the homosexual community to gain favor with them [read: they courted the homosexual vote]. Many, if not most, of those politicians still don’t have a clue.
        Why are the politicians so inclined? Because they, the politicians, have bought into the exaggerated lies of those who live the “gay” lifestyle and they think this group makes up 10% or more of the population, which translates in their minds to 10% or more of votes, when, in fact, statistics show they only consist of from one to three per cent of the population.
        Encouraged by what they thought was political clout, the homosexual community became braver, looking to the more publically known among them to aggressively push the issue under the philosophy that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
        The spotlight has gone full circle and the homosexual community has had their day, basking in that very short-lived and artificially illuminated minute focus. But under the enlightened intense scrutiny of statistical studies, the whitewash has been flushed away from their attempts to convince the citizens of this country that they, too, measure up to Western civilization and American societal values and morals. This whitewash was provided by the monied interests of the leftist liberals who will continue to increase their efforts to stir up the homosexual community to this pretense, and the homosexual community may, or may not, once again rally around their mentors.
        Question: Who really has a hidden agenda here?
        The leftist liberals will persist—they are determined to continue to advance their hierarchical authoritarian structure and cast the American way of life and Western civilization values down to the bottom of their artificially constructed totem pole.
        Has the homosexual community finally realized that they are being used? Viciously and cruelly used by the leftist liberals agents?
        I can only suggest that the homosexual community take a closer look at the leftist liberals and contrast them with the conservatives among us. Then determine who really has your best interests at heart in being a free American.
        Time will give us the answer ...

Our Duty As Americans In Our Western Civilization

        There are many groups of people on this planet that continue to attempt to foster negative social values—values that are a threat to the family and all that it stands for.
        However, if we withdraw from these individuals who are in those groups then they will continue to pollute the traditional family values that we cherish.
        True salt and light is a 24 hour a day, seven day a week lifestyle that others will see as we continue to interact with them. Bunching together as a clique and excluding those with whom we disagree will not affect their lifestyles, instead it will affect the quality of our lifestyles both directly and immediately and in the long-term.
        We must never, ever forget Paul the apostle’s admonition in his letter to the Corinthians. Note particularly verse 11, in Paul's letter to them, chapter 6:
        1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (NIV):
        9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
        10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
        11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
        Paul says “And that is what some of you were.”
        Isn’t it time for us to quit our hidden agenda and our ugly self-deceiving “let’s pretend” “fantasy” with a much-needed whitewash flush?
        And do what’s necessary to also get those in today’s contemporary society who fit Paul’s description in verses 9 and 10 from “are” to “were?”

        Related articles:
“Marriage is a family social institution for a man and woman” Marriage is a family social institution for a man and woman who are husband and wife by commitment with children born from heterosexual sex activities
“God Created Man ... Male And Female Created He Them” God created man ... male and female created he them. Man and woman are sexual and a husband and wife are to enjoy sex and intercourse in marriage.
“Divorce-husband and wife marriage covenant broken by adultery” Divorce-husband and wife marriage covenant broken by adultery-law of God, Jesus, Paul give other legal biblical reasons spouse put away by divorcement
“Women Keep Silence, or Don't Lose Your Head, Please!” God says women and men are equal in the Lord, but the spiritual headship principle of a husband is the biblical basis for family authority in the home and ekklesia for husband and wife. Just as God and Christ are equal, but God is the head of Christ:
   1 Corinthians 11:3: “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”
   This is better interpreted as “the head of the wife is the husband.” This article discusses biblical types and antitypes, examples and clear scriptural instructions for scriptural spiritual headship of a husband, why Paul the apostle insisted upon it, and the dangers of irresponsibility by the husbands of the ekklesia.
   This spiritual headship must follow the biblical pattern of sacrifice for equality, surrender for uniting and servanthood for anointing. Paul reprimands Corinthian husbands in their ekklesias for their lack of understanding and practice of the male spiritual headship principle. This has historically been misunderstood and those verses pertaining to husbands and wives have been incorrectly interpreted as Paul admonishing the wives of their assemblies. This article attempts to demonstrate how the priorities of the biblical spiritual headship principle affect every area of the kingdom of God and His Christ.
