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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


Justice For All

April 25, 2001

          The Spirit of God says to His people, I am with you in the midst of all that transpires in your lives. I said I would never leave you or forsake you and I am not a man that I should lie. I know your struggles, I know your defeats, I know your successes and I know your hearts. I know that many are feeling defeat as they look around at the world as it is, with its overwhelming problems. Problems that stagger the mind, paralyze the intellect and produce unwanted emotions which trigger fear and anxiety and depression. Others are totally oblivious of all the evil that surrounds them, and many, in fact, are participants of that evil and are enjoying their fleshly experiences instead of mourning over the state of My church.
          To those who have correctly assessed the current state and condition of My church and are greatly grieved in their spirit and seek to implement solutions, but knowing that in their flesh they have no solution and call upon My Name and ask for My wisdom to direct their paths, to those I will respond.
          To those who continue indulging their flesh in the activities of this world and continue to pursue those things that are not of Me I send warnings to My many prophets who cry out to those to repent and to embrace the ways of righteousness and to abandon those things that would bring alienation from Me.
          So I am with you all, and I am with you always, even until the very end.
          To those who continue to respond as My Holy Spirit speaks to you, and continue to seek Me and continue to live their lives in repentance and continue to seek My righteousness and continue faithful to those things which My only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, has taught you, to those who continue their faithfulness there will be great rewards.
          To those who continue to be unfaithful, for some there will be loss of rewards, for some there will be loss of life itself. For I would not have you ignorant of the consequences of holy and of unholy conduct before Me.
          For I am a God of justice and in My love and in My justice there shall be equity for all. For those who are obedient they will be dealt with justly. For those who are disobedient, they will be dealt with justly.
          Let Him who has ears to hear hear what the Spirit says to the church.
