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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 28, 1999

Which King Will You Serve?



       I saw a white horse and chariot and a man with a gold crown and dressed in fine linen holding the horses’ reins in one hand. In the other hand he had a black whip which he would use to spur the horse on faster, and occasionally, to beat the people that were all around him.
       These people appeared to be a primitive people, dressed in rags which covered only the bare essentials of their bodies to maintain some degree of modesty. Yet these people were groveling on their knees before this crowned figure and paying homage to him, even though many were restricted in their movements by hand and leg cuffs.
       The people looked as if their entire existence was to bow the knee to this crowned figure, even though chained, beaten and obviously existing under sub-poverty conditions.
       This scenario seemed to go on and on and on, in distance and in time, as I watched. Nothing changed.
       Then I shifted my gaze from this scene up to the horizon. There, watching this scene from the top of a hill, was a single rider on a huge white horse. Behind him there were assembling, from every direction, other riders on white horses. Each one carried in his hand a double-edged sword.
       Suddenly the rider on the white horse that I saw first, raised his sword and began charging down the hill towards the crowned figure in the chariot. The other assembled riders also raised their swords and followed the rider on the white horse.

       The man with a gold crown in the chariot with the white horse represents the prevailing religious spirit(s) throughout the church today.
       The white horse is a counterfeit symbol of a powerful righteous move of God. His personal vehicle, a chariot, is indicative that his ministry dates back to the Roman system of control and oppression. The gold crown is another counterfeit symbol which the people in subjection to him have placed upon him.
       The black whip is symbolic of demonic power wielded by this man. Curiously, it provokes the counterfeit symbol of a powerful righteous move of God (the white horse) onto greater speed, while at the same, it inflicts pain and punishment upon the very subjects who have allowed him to have control over their lives. His fine linen, compared to his subjects’ rags, speaks of his emphasis upon wealth, at the expense of his subjects.
       These “church” people have established this person as “king” over them, and continue to bow the knee to him even while they are in bondage (chained), utterly defeated (beaten) and abjectly poor (living in sub-poverty conditions).
       This spirit has gone on and on in distance, spreading throughout the whole word, and in time, having existed for many centuries.
       However, there is another white horse with a Rider, with a double-edged sword. This is obviously Jesus Christ, Who has viewed this scene and has now assembled his remnant army of righteous saints. He is even now moving on the behalf of those saints who have put themselves in bondage by allowing false teachers and false prophets to put them in bondage to religious spirits who serve only satan and his purposes.
       Jesus will lead His righteous remnant army into the oppressing scenario, and with the word of God, the two-edged sword, destroy these religious spirits and challenge the false teachers and false prophets to speak the pure word of God. This pure word of God, this two-edged sword, will destroy the chains of bondage, and bring the saints from defeat to victory and will provide them with all the spiritual riches in glory.
       These oppressed people will then pick up their two-edged swords and will mount the true horses representing God’s powerful righteous move as they follow Jesus Christ, King of kings, and Lord of lords.

       For those in the body of Christ who have been bound, defeated and poor there is coming liberty, victory and spiritual riches. However, this will not occur if they continue to make man their king. 1 Samuel, chapter 8, declares the consequences of such a decision.
       The remnant army has placed Jesus Christ as its head, as their leader, and they have skillfully learned to use the double-edged sword of the word of God and to instruct in righteousness.
       Where received, they will come and destroy the unjust yokes that have been put upon men and women and boys and girls by those who operate in the power of the devil to further their own purposes and riches.
       In this spiritual atmosphere of truth and righteousness based upon the word of God, true love and unity can flourish. But for those who will not accept the truth of scripture and who will not be righteous, there can be no fellowship, love and unity with those who are walking righteously and in truth.
       Unity cannot be compromised when it is not based on truth and righteousness. And true fellowship with Jesus Christ is not possible without biblical truth and righteousness.
       Each saint must make their own decision as to whom they will serve. And each saint must decide if they will walk in biblical truth and righteousness with Jesus Christ as their leader.
       When this remnant army of God comes in truth and righteousness and love and unity with Jesus Christ as their leader, rightly dividing the word of truth, will you respond and get out of bondage, defeat and poverty? And skillfully learn to use the double-edged sword of the word of God and to instruct others in truth and righteousness?
       Or will you continue to serve your man-“king?”
