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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 26, 1998

Angels Assistance

I say unto My church that now is the hour, now is the time, that the things that were spoken of of old are now beginning to happen. Because of the rampant sin and horrible destruction that has been wrought in My church, I now must begin a heavenly intervention and send My heavenly hosts upon this earth.

Yea, you have heard of angels, yes, some have even entertained them though they were strangers to you. Now shall My heavenly hosts come to your assistance, come to your aid, even as My Son prayed in the garden. And even as there were problems with His flesh, so shall I send My angels to continue to comfort you and continue to bring you through this Gethsemane that many of you are going through.

And some of you will be aware of them, and some of you will not be aware of them, but My angels shall be with you and I shall flood the earth with My angels. And they shall come unto you, and they shall be a comfort unto you and they shall minister unto you. For did I not say that I would send My fire? Are not My angels ministers of fire, says the Lord? So shall they come into your presence and so shall they be that comfort to you which I so desire and so shall they strengthen you and so shall they strengthen your flesh and so shall you pass through this and you will be able to say, not my will Father, but Your will be done.

And as My will is done, and as the layers of darkness that surround this earth are peeled off [of the church], one by one, one by one, one by one, so shall the principalities and powers that have held this earth in captivity and in darkness for so long be removed [from the church], says the Lord.

For I would that My church will do My will and begin to join together one on one, on one, on one, for you are one body, you are not divided, you are not to be divided. You are to be one, you are one in the spirit. Those of you who are My church, you are one in the spirit and you will begin to manifest as one in the spirit. Do not worry about time, do not worry about distance, for I am talking about a spiritual union, I am talking about spiritual unity, which transcends time. And they [the church] transcend the flesh and they transcend distance.

For I am linking up, I am linking up those of you who have already come to that point in their lives for you recognize the unity of My body and you are linking already and you shall become one body, you shall become one mind and you shall become aware of the needs of each one the other. And you shall supply those needs and so shall My body begin to grow into one accord in their minds and in the spirit.

And so shall the strength that comes from this be displayed in the heavenlies, and the powers of darkness shall shrink away from the bright light that they [the church] shall display in their lives and by their words. For the words that they speak forth are life to this world and they shall speak forth My words and they shall speak forth life and life abundantly.

And these things that have hindered you, these things that have circumvented you from your true purpose and these things that have caused you problems and caused you agony in your soul as you struggled in your flesh to do that which is of My will, these hindrances, says the Lord, these obstructions, these delays, they are now removed. And you shall operate in the fullness of the spiritual power that I have given unto you and in the fullness of a mind of one accord. For this one over here and this one over there, though they may be removed by many, many miles, yet shall they in the spirit become one, and the power of the one will be interlinked with the power of the other and so shall they begin to speak forth in a corporate mind which will bring about greater power in the spiritual realm, and that power shall be manifested in those things that I have desired for you to walk in from long ago will be established. They will be manifested and the world will see, the world will see and they will see the signs and the wonders and the miracles and they will know that it is My servants who are doing these things through the power that has come to them through My Son, Jesus Christ, and so shall His name be lifted up, and so shall it draw all men unto Him, and so shall the harvest begin, says the Lord.
