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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 26, 1998

Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord in all things that pertain unto Him. And so shall you become holy, so shall you become sanctified, as I continue to pour forth My power in this earth, through you, says the Lord.

For I would not have you ignorant of that which is to come. I would have you prepared, and I will speak to My servants, the prophets, and they shall tell you these things that are to come, says the Lord. And I tell you now, I tell you now, even now, this very hour, I am pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh. And I'm telling you now that those things that I have desired for you, those things that even now, that you have prayed for, that you have asked for, that you have fasted for, that you have begun to display on such a small scale in your life that you feel you have made a tremendous victory, set that aside, for I am about to give you the true victory, says the Lord.

And I will do those things in your life, and I will work through you, as you continue to give yourselves unto Me, says the Lord. For I am a God of righteousness, I am a God of holiness, I am a God of wisdom. Have I not said so in My word? And is it not time for this now to occur?

And I will work through you, says the Lord, and I will continue to utilize the things that you have established already in the spirit, and that you have established already through your many, many efforts at propagating My gospel to the world.

And so shall you be honored. But in your honor you shall be humbled and in that humbleness and in that humility, says the Lord, so shall I bring you power, great power, says the Lord.
