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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


July 4, 1998

Justice and Judgement

     There are many things I am now revealing to My church. For the time has come for My many friends to know the plans of the Master of the house. For the time is coming, says the Lord, when I shall draw even closer to My friends than I am at present. And as I draw closer, there must be holy vessels to receive Me. For I am a holy God and a righteous God, and I must be received by holy and righteous vessels.
     For those who allow themselves to remain unclean because of their self-sufficiency and pride I have prepared a special place for them. And they shall inhabit that place. For I am a God of mercy and I am a God of justice. And I have extended My mercy in place of justice, for have I not written that mercy triumphs over justice?
     Now the hour has come, says the Lord, for My justice to be exercised in My very own household. For I will no longer tolerate those things which have passed for outward symbols of holiness and righteousness. For I judge by the heart, says the Lord, and now My judgement is beginning to manifest.
     And as My judgement manifests on this earth, so shall it start with the people who are called by My name. And as My love, grace and mercy have been extended for these many years, now shall My justice be executed for many years. For those who have spurned Me and have turned their backs on all that I am and all that is holy and righteous and pure, says the Lord, shall now suffer the consequences for their evil deeds.
     For I am a God of My word, says the Lord, and have I not written of My justice in My word? And have not all My children read of My justice of which I have spoken? And have not many of them desired to go their own way and to take My word as lightly as they take their responsibilities to their fellow man? But I am not a man that I should lie, says the Lord, and I shall be faithful to My word.
     And I now caution and urge all who have read of My love and My grace and My mercy and My justice to look for the manifestation of My justice in My people. For I will no longer wink at those things which are an abomination to Me, says the Lord, for the time has come for the fullness of My wrath to be displayed against My disobedient children and I will no longer extend to them My mercy, but they shall taste of the bitterness of My justice for the evil deeds they have done among My children.
     Do not pray for their deliverance from My wrath and My justice, says the Lord, for the time for their choosing of the way of righteousness has been extended many times throughout their lives, and many times throughout their days and nights as I have seen the unclean and unrighteous and unholy and abominable things they have proudly paraded to their pathetic followers.
     And now shepherd and sheep alike, who have manufactured their own pastures and gates shall see the destruction of the Lord. For they have tasted of the goodness of the Lord and they have spit it out and mixed their own concoctions of evil fashioned after their own lusts.
     Shall they not now taste of the bitter cup of wrath I have prepared for them? Take heed that you do not stumble over these who are appointed unto wrath. For they have made their choices, says the Lord and so shall they lie down in the bed of fornication and lusts and evil that they have decided upon as their lifestyles.
     And as I pour out My wrath upon those who have turned their backs to Me, so shall I pour our My love upon those who have sought My face. And in My love, I shall draw you to Myself, says the Lord, and I shall cause you to come to new heights in My kingdom and so shall you come closer to Me. And you shall have a clearness of vision of My face, and a clarity of hearing of My voice, which shall transcend even the physical things that are all around you.
     And you shall know My love, and you shall know My voice, and you shall know My Son, and you will teach others the highway of holiness. For as I desire to pour out My love upon you, so I desire you to pour out your love upon Me, and to pour out your love on your brother, and to pour out your love on your neighbor. For I am seeking a harvest, says the Lord, a harvest that will fill My house and bring joy and delight unto My Son. For He is worthy, says the Lord, He is worthy of the love which you have shown for Him. And many will come to know Him through the love that you have for one another. Have I not said so in My word?
     Prepare yourselves, and put on clean garments and anoint yourselves with the oil of gladness for I shall crown you with a beauty that will endure for eternity. And so shall your faithfulness and love reach the fullness of fruition, for I have declared it to be so from the beginning, says the Lord.
