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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


July 11, 1998

Right Side Up Church

     And so shall those things in My kingdom be rearranged. That which is upside down will be made right side up. That which is right side up will be made upside down. The head shall become the tail, and the tail shall become the head. The last shall be first and the first shall be last.
     For I am a God of order, I am a God of authority, and I am reestablishing in the heavenlies those things that I have created to fulfill My purpose. And those things that I have created in order to bring glory to My Son.
     Are you confused, church? Do you perceive that the things that are good are evil, and the things that are evil are good? That those in authority have no power, and those with no power have authority? And that there is a lack of consistency with things that are done and many things are becoming unglued and unattached to that to which it was formerly attached?
     Is not My Spirit moving among you? Is He not doing His work? Is He not brooding over My church? And will He not bring a change from the chaotic conditions that exist in My church? And bring about that which is pleasing to Me? That for which My Son has labored, and labored not in vain? I am reestablishing the boundaries. I am reestablishing the guidelines.
     I am turning My church right side up, and I will have all of My people in their places, says the Lord. For it is time to march. It is time to put on the helmets of war. It is time to wear the swords of judgment. It is time for the enemy to be attacked. It is time for those things which have been spoken of and written of long ago to begin to appear as reality, manifested in truth in the lives of My people.
     For these things have been building in their spirits for quite some time, and now it is time to release that which has been building in your spirits. It is time to release the anointing into the healing of bodies. It is time to release the anointing to open up the eyes of the blind. It is time to release the anointing for the growing out of limbs. It is time to release the anointing for bringing wholeness and completeness to those who are maimed and twisted.
     It is time, says the Lord, for My Spirit has been doing these things in your spirit, says the Lord. And now it is time for these things to be manifested in the flesh. So I am releasing this anointing, says the Father, because it has been building in your spirits and the time for release has come. And that which has been open shall be shut and that which has been shut shall be opened.
     And these things shall come to pass, says the Lord, as you bear witness to the words that I am speaking to you, and you stand up in your faith and in your flesh to do those things that are in your spirit. For I have released them, says the Lord.
     And so shall My Son be glorified. And so shall you walk in power and you will cast out demons, you will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. You shall bring sight to the blind. And all these things will occur as written. For, I the Lord you God have ordained it since before the foundations of the world.
     And that which is upside down shall be made right side up. And those things that have not been understood shall be revealed and be made manifest. And many shall see, many shall see My servants and they shall see the God of My servants. And they shall be lifted up and they shall be drawn unto My Son. For that is My purpose for you, says the Lord.
     And I eagerly await the manifestation of the anointing which I have poured out upon you that I may have much fruit gathered into My barns. Much fruit from the vineyards that I have planted, and pruned, and pampered, and prepared, and poised, and positioned for the purpose of glorifying My Son, that He may be lifted up unto all men unto Himself.
