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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


August 3, 1998


     See now, the things that are new to you are not new to Me. But you proclaim that I am doing a new thing among you. But I have known the end from the beginning, and the end is not yet here.
     However, My servants, the prophets, know that this is now a time of transition, says the Lord. And there are many different things that to you will be new, but were established by Me before the foundations of the world were laid. And so shall these revelations come unto you, as a brand new thing in your eyes, and in your experience.
     But I am preparing, says the Lord, I am preparing you and I have been preparing you, and I shall continue to prepare you for a time of great transition. For there are many steps involved, there are many phases involved. There are many new things involved, for you. And I will continue to unveil My plans through My servants, the prophets, that you would not be ignorant of the things that I have planned.
     And as you prepare for this time of transition, and as you prepare for this time of change, as you prepare to reveal My glory to an even greater degree to all flesh, so shall I continue to prepare you, says the Lord. For I would not have you ignorant of that which is to come. And as I prepare you, says the Lord, as I prepare My church for those things which are to come, some of which now are, some of which are yet to come, and some of which will be a little longer in coming, so shall I continue, says the Lord, to prepare you.
     And I will prepare you body, soul and spirit. For I would not have you confused as to how you fit into My plans for My church, because you are My church. And therefore I will speak to you and to those who are My friends, to those who are My servants, the prophets, I will speak to them and they will speak forth My word to you.
     And as I speak forth My word to you through them you will see that they will begin to decrease and I will begin to increase and they will continue to proclaim the unfolding, the unveiling of My glory and of My power and of My love for you. For I would not have you ignorant, says the Lord, of My glory and My power, and the perfection of My plans for My church.
     And as you go equipped into the harvest field of the world, says the Lord, you will be able to deal with those situations which you encounter that in the past frustrated you and prevented you from accomplishing that which you desired to accomplish, says the Lord. For you shall walk reflecting My glory, and you shall walk in a fuller measure of My power, and you shall proclaim My word, My plans with a greater authority than you have in the past.
     And tongues that have come against you, and knees that have not bowed shall speak the praises of My Son Jesus Christ, and they shall bow the knee in recognition of His lordship. And in this manner, in this manner, shall they come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour. But first, they will sing the praises of His glory and they shall bow the knee to His authority. And then shall they be powerfully visited by My Holy Spirit as they accept My Son Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
     For I shall not have a church that serves Me in name only, by naming the name of My Son, without recognizing His glory and without recognizing His authority. For I am a just God, and I have committed justice unto My word and there it is written. And thereby shall you see the justice of My word, for it shall not pass away. And the glory that is Mine and the glory of My Son shall be made manifest in My church. So shall you begin to walk in a fuller measure of My power and authority and boldness.
     And for many this is a transition that will be difficult to make. For some it will be impossible. But My church shall not be ignorant of these things. And My church, says the Lord, shall walk in the fullness of all that I have spoken in My word and in the fullness of all that I speak to My friends, My servants, My prophets, says the Lord.
