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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 17, 1998


I had asked the Lord, what was the most important thing that He would say to His church at this hour. He told me to speak to His remnant church. This is the word He gave me.

The Spirit of the Lord says to His remnant church, Many of you are still asleep, many of you are still slumbering.

Many of you are still wandering about, wondering where is your place. Why am I here? I have been in this cave for so long, and it is so dark, and it is so lonely, and I feel so powerless, I feel so limited. I see this huge establishment, this huge organization called the church by those in that organization and it has nothing more to do with Jesus Christ than many, many people who have never named the name of Jesus.

And you say to yourself, woe unto me. Why was I born? Why am I here? Why have I been afflicted, persecuted and hunted down and brought to nought, and living in these circumstances. Why have all of these things happened to me? What is my purpose for existence? How can I go on living like this? Oh, God please speak to me, please talk to me, please tell me how I fit into all of this plan.

Yea, says the Lord, I am speaking to you now. I am speaking out words to you that would confirm that which you have known in your heart and have not been able to give voice to because you have not dared speak against those who have raised themselves up as leaders, though they be false leaders. Because you have not dared come against those who exercise such power in the spiritual gifts, though that power is not from Me, says the Lord.

And there are those who you have looked at and you have had the fear of man because they have imparted to you by divination and by witchcraft those spirits that have instilled this in you so that you have been operating in a spirit of fear, a spirit of timidity, but I am this day releasing you, says the Lord.

Even as you hear this word, even as you speak this word, even as you read this word, says the Lord you are now being liberated, you are now being freed from that spirit that has been with you and has caused a fear of man. And as you continue to hear the words of this prophecy and as you continue to speak them into your own spirit, says the Lord, so shall those things that you have asked, and asked, and asked, and never gotten a satisfactory answer from, even now, says the Lord, those questions are being answered unto you and I am identifying you to yourself as a true remnant of My church who I have been hiding away, who I have put in the background and who have been able to exist by My grace even when everything around them seemed against them.

And now, says the Lord, now that hour, that time has come for you to recognize who you are and what you are and why you are and rise up as Joshuas, rise up as Gideons, rise up as Davids and begin to coalesce into the oneness and unity of My Holy Spirit, says the Father. And these things shall be confirmed unto you in not too many days by that which you know in your spirit, and that which you shall continue to hear, says the Spirit of the living God.

And so these things that have come to you, these things that have been affecting you, and all of these things that have produced in you this state of mind that you have had, now they are being changed, says the Lord. Even now, even now, they are being changed in your life and those things that have been oppressing you shall now be liberated, those things that have been causing these problems in you and depression, even now, says the Lord, you are being liberated from the power of the enemy who has worked through all of these vessels, through the false leaders, through the false gifts and through the false power of the divination that has come upon those who do not hear My word, who do not respond to My Spirit and who are in disobedience unto Me.

But you, this day, I am raising up so that you will recognize your true sonship and you will recognize your true power, and you would recognize your true authority, and you will no longer have a fear of man, but you shall step forth boldly, you shall step forth BOLDLY. You shall step forth boldly and you shall assume your place in My kingdom, says the Lord.
