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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 17, 1998

World Plan

I asked the Lord what was He doing to do globally in this present hour. This is what He gave me.

The things that are coming, says the Lord, are not new to those who have been following Me from of old. The things that I am doing now, says the Lord, will be different than the things that I have done in the past, for I am a God of variety, I am a God of change, I am a God of creativity.

And so many things that have happened in the past have become traditions, they have become monuments in the minds of men so that they have lost their power. They are simply a recollection of a bygone day of something that transpired in the past, all the original details of which have long since been obliterated by the telling and retelling of it.

As in a romantic tale, a romantic fiction tale that has been handed down from generation unto generation, until finally, even the essence of what was said has been lost, although it is a beautiful story and though it moves many and attracts many. And so the things that have transpired in the past, the things that were of Me have been handled in like fashion, except for My Word, which remains totally constant, and it always will, and always will be.

So therefore, the things that I am doing now, says the Father, the things that I am going to do in this world are known in the hearts of those who have been with Me and who have followed Me, and who have maintained steadfastly in the world. It has always been, and always will be My desire that not one, not one, human being on the face of this earth should perish. And so the things that are happening, the things that always have been are to bring those that are in the darkness into the light.

And things that have transpired within the members of My body, these living stones that are bound in common not to fit one another next to the other, these things must go, says the Lord, and I shall continue to bring all things in one in My Son, Jesus Christ.

And this has been My plan, and this continues to be My plan, and as a God of creativity, I continue to innovate new ways to introduce My Holy Spirit into the earth to convict of sin, righteousness and judgment in order to bring the consciousness of men to a point where they are motivated, not by their own desires, not by their own tastes, not by the things that are important to them, but they will be motivated by the things that I desire and the things that I have expressed, and the things that are My will for all of My human creatures, whom I have created to be with Me. And so shall I continue to pour out of My Spirit, I will continue to pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind.

Watch and see. Watch and see. I say again, watch and see those things that I shall do for those who have been closely attuned to My Spirit and who have remained in My Word and have been in contact with me. They know the things that are coming, for they have seen the things that have happened on this earth, and they know My fire. They know My fire.

They know My judgments upon the wicked. So these things that shall come shall not take any by surprise who are dwelling with Me in the Spirit. For I shall do that which I find to be the thing that will cause each and every one to turn their face and their desires away from themselves and unto Me. And as they continue to gaze upon Me, as they continued to gaze at the fiery serpent of bronze, so shall they have their gaze fixed upon Me, and so shall I do those things that have happened as recorded in My Word.

If you want to know what I'm going to do, read My Word. If you want to know what I'm going to say, read My Word. If you want to know what I'm going to show you, read My Word. For I have put everything in My Word so that you would not be ignorant of the things that I'm going to do, nor of the devices of the enemy who would attempt to stop those things from transpiring.

So continue to keep your eyes open and continue to watch, continue to pray, and you will see My fire, you will see My judgment and you will know when you see My fire and when you see My judgment what I am about to do, says the Lord.
