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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 21, 1998


I'm waiting, says the Lord. I'm waiting, and I'm waiting, and I'm waiting. And I'm waiting for those of you who I have trained and equipped and enabled to move from your positions of comfort, to move from those positions of familiarity to move from those surroundings that bring you great joy.

I am waiting, says the Father, I am waiting for you to move into those areas where you will stand in the gap for Me and for the things that My word represents. I am waiting, says the Father, I am waiting. I have prepared you. I have equipped you. I have matured you, and I am waiting, says the Father.

I did not bring you this far that there would be complacency and that there would be no lack, no deprivation and total comfort in your life. For these are things that you will attain to when you are in the presence of My glory for all of eternity, says the Father.

And for now I have put upon you a burden, I have put upon you a burden, one of prayer and intercession and standing in the gap, that My body may be jointly framed together, put together, that those things that are lacking that the enemy can get through would be filled with sufficiency so that there will not be those things in the spirit realm that the enemy can take advantage of.

The things that are happening, the things that are occurring, in all areas of the earth are those things that are not of Me, says the Father. For your flesh is the thing that you are following, and the comfort, and the convenience and the cravings of your flesh, says the Lord. I have brought you, I have brought you this far, I have brought you to this area to this place and you look and you say, it is all barren, there are many broken places here.

It is not well organized. There is a lot of confusion. There are a lot of problems. And I think I'll go somewhere where there's order and where everything is nice and neat and tidy and where I can think well and have time to spend in prayer and have time to read the word. And time to prepare myself.

The Lord God would say unto you, Get into those areas that look so miserable, because those are the areas that I have sent you to. Those are the areas that require work. You've had your time for reading, you've had your time for prayer. You've had your time to do those things that you thought were necessary for your own comfort.

But as I told Moses, pick up that rod in your hand and begin to utilize it as an instrument of God. For that is why I have given it unto you. Do you think that I'm going to start you over in kindergarten again? Do you think I'm going to wait until you're absolutely polished and perfected and totally pure before I'm going to send you out into My battlefield?

You are ready to go NOW. I am waiting, says the Lord, I am waiting for you to go into those areas and fill up those gaps.
