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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 21, 1998

Church As Executioner

Will the executioner put his own hand in the gallows? Or will he allow his foot or his arm to feel the force of the blade?

Why would he put parts of his own body into the executionary device? Why would he limit his effectiveness at doing what he is supposed to be doing? Why would he allow the prisoner to have personal freedom to go where he would so desire? Where are his guards that would enforce his orders?

And is the devil not better organized than that? And does My church not know it? And does my church not know that to kill and maim parts of their own body is a self-destructive heresy that will result in loss of great power?

And does My church not know that the power of love is greater than the power of the executioner who comes to steal, kill and destroy?

Why does My church play the part of its own executioner? Is there no love among you? Or are there only executioners among you? What is your decision church, to love or to execute your own body? How will you explain all of this to Me when I call you home?
