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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 24, 1998


The Lord would speak forth now to those prophets of His whom He calls His friends.

And He would say to those, I have allowed you to come close to Me that I might speak close into your ear, that I might speak those things that are deep within My heart, the things that I do not speak to all. The things that I do not reveal casually, but those things that are deep within My heart, those things that I desire that those who are closest to Me would speak forth in their love and in their zeal. And that they would continue to maintain their integrity with Me and with their fellow company of prophets continue to speak forth those things that would cause manifestation of My glory in this earth.

And I say unto you now, the devil has come unto you to test you and to try you and to tempt you. And to try to bring you down from that area of closeness to My heart. And he is attempting to speak with many voices, and he is attempting to shout and then to whisper and then bring in the distractions and then to speak forth things that are not of Me as he attempts to imitate My voice.

But My prophets, My friends, those whom I have chosen, those who I have called, and those who I have brought up to Me, those are the ones to whom I speak now. And the thing that I say unto you is this: That in the preciousness of our relationship, there is to be only those things that you know that are from Me. And that in the distractions that come about—those things which are occurring now in all of the heavenly realm and in all of the earthly realm—those things that are from Me shall come forth unto you in their purity and without distraction.

For those in the second heaven have begun to transmit their many, many voices and they have begun to utilize their jamming devices and they are using every device that they can possibly think of, yea even things that they have discarded in the past as being ineffective, because it has been a long time since they have used them. And this is confusing many, and this is causing many to doubt what they are hearing within their own spirits.

And I say unto those whom I have called unto Me, whom I have called to be My friends, and to whom I speak closely, and to whom I speak clearly, do not be deceived by these tactics of the enemy. For I the Lord your God, have created within you a special receiver, a special receptacle by which you can receive those things that are of Me, and that will automatically reject those things that are from the enemy. And as you continue to put down your flesh, to put down your confusion, to put down your doubts, to put down those things that have been sent against you, that you would not hear correctly from Me, says the Lord, as you begin to do these things, and as you begin to fine tune the prophetic mechanism that I have placed within you, so shall My voice become clear, so shall there be such a tremendous clarity within your own spirits that you will know totally, of a surety and you will know with certainty that those things of which you have doubt, those things that you had questioned, says the Father, you will know those things which are of Me, and you will know those things that are not of Me.

And because you are My friends, and because you are close to Me, I have not allowed you to speak these things forth into the heavenlies. I have not allowed you to utter them with your mouth because you were not capable at those given moments of time in speaking forth those things that were from Me as being clear and distinct in your mind. So now, even now, says the Lord, as you put down those doubts, as you put down those thoughts, and as you begin to fine tune your receiving mechanism, says the Lord, you will begin to tune in My voice with greater clarity than you ever have and all doubts, all fears, all these things that have prevented you from functioning in your fullness shall be removed and I will begin to speak forth new revelational knowledge unto you and I shall begin to speak forth the things that have been in My heart from of old that I have reserved for this time and I will speak them forth unto you and they shall be great and they shall be powerful and they shall be true and you shall verify them through the revelations that I give you and through the power of My Word.

And you shall teach My people, you will teach My people, and you shall gather the eagles unto you and you shall teach them how to fly. You shall teach them the correct adjustments of their wing angles. You will teach them the correct observations for catching the correct thermal currents. You shall teach them and they shall begin to fly higher, they shall begin to fly longer, they shall begin to fly with a true course and they shall catch the wind of My Spirit and they shall do those things that they had not done before because you will teach them to do these things, says the Lord.

And as you continue to teach them to do these things, and as these things continue to issue forth from Me unto you, unto them, there shall be a great networking in the spirit. There shall be a powerful networking in the spirit and these things that are known unto you shall begin to be known to others who are also called as My friends, with a different calling from prophet.

But those, My friends also, they shall begin to hear the things that you are saying, and the things that you are saying shall begin to cause within them a networking with you and there shall begin that networking in all of these that I have called into My ministries.

All of these shall begin to network with you and with themselves and so shall they cover the earth like a great net. And as that great net covers the earth I shall draw it tighter unto Myself, says the Lord, for the earth is Mine, and the earth is yours, and it is ours, and all the fullness thereof. And all the things that are written in My Book shall begin to come to pass.

But it will start with you, those prophets whom I call My friends. And you each know who you are. So therefore now, heed this word that is going forth from My friend, and receive it in your spirit as from a fellow friend and begin to implement these things that have been spoken in the words of this prophecy and so shall you come into this powerful networking and so shall I bring forth My powerful net which shall cover the earth. And it shall be ours, says the Lord, it shall be ours.
