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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 15, 1999

Physician, heal thyself

       The Lord says to His church:
       As I gauge the spiritual health of My church I am appalled at the neglect that has caused it to fall into such a state of disrepair. For I have allowed you to go your way. I have allowed you to make your own choices, your own decisions, and to do that which is right in My sight, and according to My will and pleasing to Me. And My Holy Spirit has continued to convict of sin, righteousness and judgement throughout the world.
       But there are many who continue to ignore the voice of My Spirit which speaks to them. And so as I gaze upon the fractured state of My body, My church, as it continues to disalign itself with the Head, My Son Jesus Christ, I am appalled at the lack of concern by many who continue to fail to heed the spiritual symptoms that are being reflected in My body. Symptoms of sickness, symptoms of disease, symptoms of infirmities.
       And would you continue in your present state expecting that I, as your sovereign God, will pour out My healing balm upon the sickness and perversion without you first seeking a healing for yourselves and for your land? Would you have Me to invade each and every thought of your heart in order that I may plant the seed which would give rise to a request on your part to ask of Me that which you must do for your own selves in order to bring healing to your own selves? There have been many spiritual aspirins, and spiritual band-aids, and spiritual crutches employed by some who have recognized that there is a problem in My body. But these things are temporary and affect only the symptom and not the cause.
       Do you not recognize your concern with the things of your very own flesh as being the cause of the spiritual symptoms that are being displayed so prominently throughout My body, My church?
       Physician, heal thyself. And it is thyself which needs the spiritual correctives that you are trying to bring to others in order to bring that alignment of self unto its Head. Would you ignore the obvious, and ignore what I have written in My word, and continue upon your self-centered way, relying upon your own wisdom in order to bring about badly needed correction?
       For this sickness that has pervaded My church and My body is one that has affected its function. And its function has ceased to become, in many areas, one of the purposes for which you have been anointed. But rather you are attempting to blend in with the spirit of the world and do the things of the world in an attempt to change the world. And you will not change the world by adapting its manners and customs and ideas. Instead, you will be changed.
       So I urge you now to consider that you must take a stand for the things that are in My word so that you can bring healing unto yourselves. That will put you in opposition to the things of the world and to the people who are walking in darkness, for that is your function. You are not to continue becoming darkness within yourselves in a vain, stupid attempt to bring light into the world. But you must become light, more and more and more, and you will stand in vivid contrast to the darkness that is in the world.
       I am preparing, even now, I am sending out from My heaven, that anointing which shall be received by those who are hungry for the healing of My body, by those who have stood steadfast in My word, and those who continue to seek the healing from the causes that have created the chaos, and the confusion in My church. And they will be in vivid contrast to the darkness.
       And they shall be reviled and rebuked by many who have forsaken their spiritual heritage in order to accommodate themselves to the things of the world, and there will be powerful opposition to My anointed servants. But they will not raise up in power of themselves, but they shall walk in the power of My Holy Spirit, says the Lord. For it is not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, that I will accomplish the healing of My body, the church, and which will bring about healthy growth in those areas that have become cancerous.
       For I desire a harvest, and I shall have a harvest. In the midst of tribulations and trials and temptations and all the tactics of the enemy I shall have My harvest. For have I not said, I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it? Thus it is written and thus it shall be. And so shall I bring My glory into this earth to be reflected by those who walk in the power of My Spirit, says the Lord.
