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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


September 16, 1998

A Pivotal Time

     While in prayer today, the Father revealed to me that we are to expect more earthquakes, fires and plagues.
     In addition to that, there will be an emergence of strong and influential secular, political and religious leaders.
     I then asked Him why there would be more earthquakes, fires and plagues.
     His reply was:

  • Earthquakes—I am shaking everything that can be shaken.
  • Fires—I am burning to purify.
  • Plagues—These will come from known diseases which have mutated.
     He also said that fire is a purposeful force. It can have a purpose of destruction, or a purpose of cleansing and purifying.
     The following is a word I got for the body of Christ right after this.
     Now—today—is a time that I have prepared for My church. Now is a time, says the Lord, for those things that I have called into being, those things that I have presented unto you, those things that are My will for My children, and for My sons and daughters and for My friends. Now is the time, now is the hour.
     Yesterday has passed and it has been established in the heavenly realm. Today—now—is upon you. And tomorrow is even at this present moment reaching into eternity, that which many have longed for, that time of abiding in My presence. A time which I have so longed for and which My children, sons and daughters and friends have longed for.
     For I am preparing even now a time and conditions upon the earth that will be pivotal to all those who hear My voice. And it will be a time of rapid change, it will be a time of rapid transition, it will be a time that will require many adjustments in each and every one of My children, sons and daughters and friends.
     For there are those who will hear My voice and will resist Me, says the Lord. There are those who will hear My voice, and in anticipation of the hope that is set before them, shall go ahead of My plans for them by attempting to make their own preparations for what their human wisdom has decreed unto them to do and perform. There are those who will continue to abide in My presence, and from moment to moment will depend upon Me and trust Me and have faith in Me and have faith in My guidance and provisions for them.
     For this is a time of testing says the Lord. And many shall fall away. And many shall run ahead into that broad place that exists. And many shall continue on the straight and narrow path that I have clearly marked out for them to walk in. And there shall be those who lead and guide, and there shall be those who shall follow. These are My children, sons and daughters and friends.
     And there will be those who stay on the narrow path, completing each step along the way, according to My will for them. And according to that which I have shown unto them in My word and by My only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and by those who have truly proclaimed My word, those who are My friends.
     My friends are those who have spoken words of true prophecy to you and who have been tested and found to be true and faithful unto that which I have delivered unto them. Hearken to the voices that speak My truth. Hearken to those voices who speak My leading. Hearken to those voices which speak My guidance. For there are many voices, says the Lord, and they speak many things and there is much confusion for some as to what I am saying to My body, to My church.
     But I have given you My written word, and I have given you My Living Word, My Son, to lead you and to guide you and those who have been tested and found to be faithful and found to be true know My word. They know My written word and they know My Living Word. And so I have spoken unto them according to that which they have put in their heart.
     Do not listen to every voice that speaks out in My name, for there are many of those who would speak out, and do speak out. But they do not know My heart because they do not know My word as I have written, and as I have given unto them in My Living Word. Know that at this pivotal time in history that all things that occur have a purpose. And things that are now transpiring in the spiritual realm have a relationship to the earthly realm. And there are those who discern these things and, based upon My word unto them, have spoken out. And many have hearkened unto their voices. And many are even now ceasing to abide in their own fleshly desires. Even now, at this late hour, though they may be last, those who continue to circumcise their flesh, their heart, shall be first in My kingdom.
     There are many things that I would now say unto My church, there are many things that I would reveal unto you now. And those things shall be spoken unto you, those things shall be revealed unto you as you continue upon the straight and narrow path. So shall there come words to you, so shall there come revelations to you and these shall be the things that shall help to lead you and to guide you in your walk upon the straight and narrow path.
     And though these words and revelations come to you as a pillar of fire, or as a cloud, so shall you know that the timing of these things will be the appropriate thing for you in the circumstances in which you find yourself as you continue on the straight and narrow path.
     For this is a walk of faith, says the Lord, and each step along the way will bring more confidence, and trust and faith in the words and revelations that shall help to guide you upon that narrow way.
     Do not stop, do not tarry, do not attempt to run ahead of the timing and the seasons, but deliberately, and with faith, take each step, take each step along the way knowing that you are going in the right direction in accordance with My will for you. For there will be much confusion all around you, and many voices and much to distract you from your purpose. But your purpose is a walk of faith and dependency upon Me. And it is not a measure of your own ability, or your sacrifice. It is a measure of faith according to your obedience, according to that which is given unto you.
     For in this walk you also will come to a pivotal point and there will be rapid transitions as you begin to move closer to Me. And as you begin to walk more in the spiritual realm than in the earthly realm, so shall many followers become leaders and will guide those who have not progressed as far.
     And many shall be drawn from the broad place into the narrow path and they shall follow and some shall become leaders and they will add to the precious fruit of the earth which I so desire, says the Lord.
