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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


May 25, 1998

Power of Love

     Those who have even the slightest love for Me—regardless of how they may have attempted to disguise that from themselves and others, regardless of how they have done these things—to those who love Me, with even the slightest bit of true love for Me, those who love My love and My truth and My righteousness and My wisdom, even though it may be a faint spark within them, those I shall fan that spark and those that are already a roaring fire in their dedication to Me, I will bring them closer to Me, I will bring them closer to Me, and I will come closer to them because I love them and they love Me and I will do all that I can as a very sovereign God to bring those who love Me to Myself.
     Some will have to be broken of themselves, of their pride and lack of humility and self centeredness. And these I'm doing a quick work in and many are included in this category but I'm going to bring them to Me because I love them and I'm bringing them to Me for their protection against the things that are coming. I would not have them defenseless, I would not have them exposed to those things that are going to ravage the world in My righteous judgment.
     Some will be broken of themselves, others will have kindled within them such a great passion, such a great love and will be drawn so close to Me that they almost become one with Me in their thoughts and in their spirits. And those that love Me so dearly beyond anything that is contained within their flesh shall I anoint powerfully, shall I gift powerfully. They shall be My messengers and I will speak unto them and they will speak unto you and I will speak unto them of the things to come.
     And so shall they speak out the things that are to come. and as they speak out these words of the things to come so shall these things be. For I have a great love for all of you. For those who love Me I will not leave defenseless, I will not leave exposed, I will not leave them subject to error, but I shall draw them close to My heart and they shall be My children and they shall be My sons. Even as My first-born Son shall I make them like Him.
     And they shall walk the earth in great power, they shall walk the earth in great authority, they shall walk the earth in the same dominion that My first-born Son has demonstrated to the world. And they shall lift up My Son and many, many, many will be drawn unto Him and many, many, many will love Me as I love them. And so shall these things occur for I have written of it and you have read of it and now these things shall become manifest.
     And many, says the lord, many will not hear Me, many will not obey, many will go their own way and many shall fill the broad, and the narrow, way and many shall perish and many shall flourish for the tares and the wheat are indistinguishable to those of you who are in the fields. But as My great wave of power comes upon you those who have not been prepared shall be exposed. They shall be removed, and those who truly love Me shall be as bright lights in the midnight days to come.
