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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


November 30, 1998

Power Walk

     The Father says to those who are His:

     The time has come for obedience unto those things that are written in My word. For many have the letter impressed in their minds and in their spirits and are operating in that sense knowledge and attempting to bring about a manifestation of the things that are in the spiritual by their physical obedience. But the time is, and shall continue to be, a time when those things that are written in My word, which are truth, must become unto you as part of your spirit. That they would be manifested by you, not in the words that you speak out, but that they would be manifested in you by the very things that you do, by which you will be recognized as salt and light. And you will be recognized as those who walk in the power of which I have spoken in My word.
     And those that are Mine shall continue in My word, not in speaking it only, but in being of that which My word has wrought within their spirits. And this is the work that is brought about by My Holy Spirit within you. For He, and He alone, shall teach you these things. And He and He alone shall bring about the manifestation of these things in the spiritual realm. For this is not a work of flesh and blood, that you would study and labor and memorize and quote. But this is a spiritual work that will cause a change in the totality of your being so that you will walk in the power of the word that I have given unto you in such a manner, in such a way, that those around you shall see that you are, indeed, manifesting the power of My words, in the spiritual realm.
     I have not left you as orphans, I have not left you defenseless. I supply your every need according to My riches in glory, that have been brought about by My Son, Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. This is a lasting work, this is an eternal work of which I speak. For this is a time that I would have My sons and daughters manifesting the presence of My glory that is within them. This requires a devotion and an adherence to all that I have spoken that is good, and that is righteous, that will bring about your perfecting. And I would have you walking in the abundance of all that I have given you in My word, instead of just talking about it.
     You will teach others, but you will teach them from a standpoint of walking in the experience about which you teach, rather than teaching it only as something to be desired. For I have equipped you with every spiritual gift that has originated in My heaven that you may operate in the fullness of that gift as you walk this earth.
     And as you enter in to this spiritual walk into a spiritual unity with Me in the fullness of what I desire for you, the many things that I have desired to reveal to you I can then begin to reveal. For it is My will, it is My desire, to bring about that oneness, that spiritual unity, that you walk this earth in the power of all that is written in My word.
     Truly, truly, I would not have you ignorant of these things about which I am speaking. And truly, truly you shall experience all that I have for you as you continue to walk in your faith.
     For this is, truly, truly, a walk of faith and this is what I require of you in this hour. And truly, truly, it shall be manifested through you upon this earth.
     For there is much that I desire for you in My love for you, My beloved. And there is much yet that I have to give unto you. For My love knows no boundaries.
     But the limitations you place upon your own faith restrict your access to that love. So rejoice, and let your joy at the fullness of all that I have for you strengthen you, and strengthen your faith as you step boldly forward to walk out all that I have gifted you with.
