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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


Prophetic Directory

(Apologetics and Discernment Ministries links are below).

        I’m providing this short directory of prophetic sites for those of you who search for “prophetic ministries,” “prophetic ministry,” “prophetic gifts,” “prophetic,” “prophets,” “prophecy,” “prophetic teaching,” and “on line prophetic teaching.”
        Web sites and articles included here were arrived at by selecting those sites that appeared on several of the major search engines with a high ranking when searching for the terms. In other words if you search for the terms you will find most of these ranked on the first or second page of the search results. These results may change with time. Other web sites and articles, quite frankly, I pulled from memory and added them here.
        It’s very difficult to keep up with the search engines. They use algorithms which change according to their whim, they have various filters, which they sometimes apply to different web sites, again, according to whim and they are a business, not a charity. That is to say, they provide a service by which they make money.
        None of these factors is necessarily a bad thing — it’s simply the way things are in search engine land.
        Because of these, and other factors, search engine rankings bounce up and down like a ping pong ball. Not just weekly or monthly, but daily, and even worse, hourly. This makes it very difficult to get consistent rankings of the various web sites, which are increasing every day.
        My suggestion is to find a search engine that utilizes the search results from the four major search engines — Google, Yahoo, MSN and Most of the others use one of those four as their search engines. Unfortunately, the multiple search engines all appear to include paid advertising web sites in their results — which in my opinion doesn’t reflect the consensus of the major four combined results. I can think of two such search engines for multiple results, Dogpile and Webcrawler. There are probably more but I’m not familiar with them.
        Also, vary your search terms, that is to say, try different variations of the words or phrases you’re looking for. Apparently the search engines have search terminology honed down to a precision art — but I’m hard-pressed to find the logic they use (if any!).
        I have not listed those web sites that sound “flakey,” are self-promoting, based upon subjective experiences, unbalanced in focus, who have proven false prophecies, exist only because they have something to sell, are studies in historical biblical prophecies, search engine sponsored results, sell taped personal prophecies, have loaded their main page with “hidden” key words to influence the search engines, advertise a local prophetic school, and “doomsday” prophets.
        I may have missed some.
        My purpose in selecting and presenting these sites is to attempt to help you find what is current and widely read on the internet in the prophetic area, for information purposes, whether it’s good information or bad information. It’s your responsibility to pray for the Holy Spirit gift of discerning of spirits as you read the things posted on these web sites.
        In the lead article on the Home page I have expressed my opinion as to what a prophetic ministry does based upon scripture. However, to help you arrive at your own conclusions, I've posted this short list. (Each web site will have links of its own you can go to for additional reading). I don’t necessarily agree with all of what is written. Some I strongly agree with, some I strongly disagree with. I suggest you read the material contained in these web sites (and mine) with your Bible, study and reference tools in hand. The list is arranged alphabetically to avoid any suggestion of bias in the listing order.

The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones
De-flaking The Prophetic - Revelation, Responsibility and Relationship
Eagle's View Ministries
First Love Ministry
Global Ministry Resource Network - The Prophetic Ministry page
GodSpeak International's Home Page is at:
Kingdom Deliverance Demonstration Ministry
Official or Functional Prophets?
Pam Clark and Trumpet Wind Prophetic Ministries
Power For Today Prophetic Ministries
Prophecy Central
Prophetic Life Ministry
Prophetic Roundtable Ministries at:
Prophets Today
Spirit of Prophecy/Faith Tabernacle
Temple Builders Prophetic Web
The Elijah List
The Gift of Prophetic Insight
The Latter Rain Page
The Lion's Roar!
The - Prophets page
Ben Israel-the Burning Bush – Art Katz
The Prophetic Word-Thomas S. Gibson
The Prophetic Years
True Vine Ministries
Understanding the Gift of Prophecy
Wilderness (The School of the Prophet)

        There are other web sites you’re familiar with that I’m sure you feel should be listed here. However, my criteria is high ranking on major search engines, plus some subjective choices on my part. You will probably find links to what you consider to be missing listings on the ones posted here.
        It would be unfair of me to expose you to the various teachings and theological positions expressed in some of the web sites and articles listed above, some of which I strongly disagree with and just leave you there. So I’ll also offer you an opportunity to be exposed to apologetic web sites (apologetics is a presentation defending and justifying a controversial position) which refute many of those teachings and practices.
        If you dig into these web sites you’ll find many of today’s highly visible “leaders” and their contemporary religious views being compared to what the Bible says. I highly recommend you keep on digging–if you love the truth of God.
        Again, I don’t necessarily agree with everything posted on these sites and if you think there should be others listed you will probably find them on links on these sites.

Apologetics and Discernment Ministries

Apologetics Index — An apologetics resource on cults, sects, religions, and doctrines. It also addresses abusive churches, controversial movements, aberrant teachings and issues and heretical sects within the Christian community.

Deception In The Church — Exposes false teaching and practices that have crept into the Christian churches. Helps Christians discern false teachers and false prophets and warns them against those who are unrepentant and continue to teach and promote false doctrine. By using the Scriptures as the only basis for all matters of doctrine and faith, all actions, words, teaching and prophecy must meet the ultimate test of the finished revelation of the inerrant Word of God.

Discernment Ministries Inc. — Many Christians are (often unwittingly) being led into mystical experiences and faith in something apart from the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ as expressed in the Holy Bible. Many sincere believers give more heed to an internal witness (and to their favorite minister or preacher) rather than searching the Scripture so as to confidently declare “it is written!” The main objective of Discernment Ministries is to point Christians to the Word of God as their sole basis for faith and practice.

Let Us Reason Ministries — A radio, television, and internet ministry educating the community by teachings and practices on the cults and world religions from a Christian perspective, helping the Christian church to prevent infiltration of spiritual humanism, and occult New Age methods and practices from new movements and activities being birthed, and communicating to those in the cult groups their differences from historic Christianity, conveying the message of grace in Christ and His saving work on the cross.

Rick Ross — Expert on cults, destructive cults, controversial groups, cult movements and cult activity. A non-profit public resource of information about controversial and/or potentially unsafe groups, some that have been called ‘cults.’
