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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


Prophecy junkies ...

        If you came to this page to get a quick fix from what you think is a new, hot, prophetic word fresh from the throne room of God and crafted to speak to you personally—a word that you need to guide your life—you need to read your Bible through from Genesis to Revelation. Every page and many, many times. God doesn’t change and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Somebody once said that the Gospel you preach is either one of chapter and verse or the Gospel you preach is chatter and worse. That’s what we have today widespread throughout nominal Christianity—a preached Gospel of chatter and worse. The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings love, life and liberty. It'll deliver you from the self centeredness, death and bondage you've experienced from the teachings and traditions of men.
          If you get offended by the content of the articles and books on this web site then this is the place you need to be. Those who truly love Jesus Christ will understand that.
        Prophecy junkies are spiritually malnourished. Like a banquet junkie who just goes to taste the desserts. Besides suffering from very bad health, they will eventually die from lack of proper nutrition. Eventually, you have to get on a proper diet. The alternative is to get sick and die. Now is a good time (and place) to start a new diet. They say it takes 21 days to kick a habit, so give yourself some time.
        In one of the books the statement is made that Christianity is rooted in the concept of our response to the love of God.
        Whoa, stop! Go back and read that sentence again. Now think about how you are responding to a Creator Who created this vast huge universe and the earth and mankind and the tiniest things in this earth. Is that how you react to someone Who loves you enough to send His Son to die for you? And Who gives you eternal life? And makes you a part of Himself and His kingdom?
        Selah, pause and calmly think of that ...
        There are some on this earth, however, looking for ritual rather than revival and simply become “churchians”—a form of religion but denying the power thereof—which is rooted in a love to the response of self.
        Just look—really look, and listen!—at the way so many of the “self’s” are all mimicking how they see other biblically ignorant “self’s” responding to some type of spiritual power they claim to be the Holy Spirit of a holy, righteous, wise and just God Who created this universe and everything in it!
        The institutional church today, and religion in general, has fallen prey to the glorification of the flesh that predominates the worldly mindset of today. As a result we have shifted from emphasis upon God to emphasis upon self:
        We function in sense knowledge—feeling unrighteousness, sin and guilt.
        We fail to accept by faith:
        The blood of Jesus, i.e., His death, as a legal reality that redeemed us and imputes righteousness to us
        The grace of God as a loving, lifting and lavish reality that restored us and by which our sins are remitted—sent away from us
        The reassurance of our conscience as a lasting reality that continually reminds us of the removal of our guilt
        We function in self-centered theology—Man creates God in his own image for God to be a supplier of man’s needs at man’s command. What is needed is Christ-centered theology—a constant presentation of Christ to others by our walk, witness and our words. And constant revelation of Christ by continued study of the Word of God.
        We function in self-centered faith—Faith goes up and down according to high and low experiences in our lives from our emotional reactions to our experiences in life. What is needed is Bible-centered faith with faith remaining at the level of our individual exposure and comprehension of God’s Word. With continued study and comprehension faith grows ever higher.
        Self-centered prayers—We skim the Bible for quickie formulas to meet immediate needs. We quote scriptures to solve problems and ignore those stressing human responsibility and God’s sovereignty. What is needed is fullness of God’s Word for proper understanding of God’s power, purpose, plan, promises and providential care of His saints as the basis for our prayers.
        Jesus is going to ask you one day, “Why did you do all these things which are not in My word, they are not examples that I left for you, they don’t show that you’re being My disciple, and that you are a learner of Me, and that you are a follower, supporter and imitator of Me—you never saw Me doing those things, you never heard Me saying those things, you never heard those things coming out of My mouth, why did you accept it from somebody who is less of a teacher than Me, your Creator, Redeemer, Master, Lord and Saviour? Didn't you recognize the authority of My written word? Didn't you know that My Holy Spirit will teach you only those things which are in My written word?”
        If you will incorporate Bible reading into your lifestyle then when you hear the sermons and teachings and read the books and articles put out by men and women who claim some type of “super” status, i.e., “super apostle” or “super prophet” or having “super revelations” then you won’t fall for that stuff. When you read that type of self-promoting material, you’ll laugh at it and walk away from them and you won’t go to their seminars or read their books or support these deceived men and women. Quit following these people who are trying to build their own personal empire here on this earth. Then they won’t have an audience, they won’t have a following, they won’t have support and they’ll have to go out and get a real job and maybe somebody will come along and witness to them so that they’ll know and understand the real Jesus, instead of this fake Jesus they are presenting to you.
        Tough words, huh? It’ll also be a tough eternity when you stand before Jesus Christ and you don’t measure up. That’s a tough one. So quit playing these games and get tough with yourself and get on with seeking God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and loving your neighbor as yourself and seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things—the real things that you really need—will be added unto you.
        The truth of the Bible is not human philosophy and easily changed with a broad range of ethics to meet each and every differing generation and situations, circumstances and environmental influences of life. If you don’t understand that the Bible is inspired by God, infallible in its wisdom and inerrant in the original autographs then quit playing at Christianity and try something else. Either live Christianity by the biblical rules or quit pretending and just go back into the world. There are all kinds of religious games being played throughout the world. You can’t play in God’s yard. You’ll have to go play in their yard.
        If you don’t read the Bible and don’t know the Father’s heart and don’t know His eternal purpose, you have no business calling yourself a Christian. All you’ll ever know is human ego hard at work to build up something for themselves.
