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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


October 24, 1998

I feel that this word is for many individuals in the body of Christ, who for various reasons, are having problems with thoughts and memories of their past activities. You know who you are. Please receive this as a personal word from your Father who wants to reassure your tormenting conscience.

     I have called you, says the Lord, I have called you clearly and loudly. And those times when your ear was deaf unto My voice, says the Lord, I continued to call you and I continued to call you and I continued to call you. In those times of the stubbornness and the obstinacy of your flesh, when you would not recognize Me, when you could not see My glory, when you would not see My glory.
     When you refused and you followed and pursued and desired the things of your flesh, yet I was faithful to you, and I continued to call you and I continued to proclaim those things that I would have you to do for Me. And so I spoke into existence, in your fleshly world, the things that I would desire for you to do. Even while you were in the flesh, then I would begin to shape and mold you and form you. And I used your circumstances and I utilized them for My purposes that I might bring you unto Me.
     And I have put into your life many things that are good. There has been much love, much grace, much mercy because of My wisdom and I did not judge you, nor would I let the evil one touch you. And now, says the Lord, all the planning, all the preparation is coming to fruition and coalescing into that which I have prepared you for.
     If I was faithful to you while you were yet in the flesh, pursuing the pleasures of the flesh, will I not therefore be even more faithful because you are now pursuing those things that are of Me, says the Lord? Do you think that because of the circumstances that you have been through, and the sin that you have experienced in the past, and the selfish desires, and the actual fulfillment of those desires in your flesh—do you think that has deterred Me from My purpose?
     No, says the Lord. I utilized everything in your life in order to prepare you for this time. Do you think, now, when I see you praising My Son, teaching His words, bringing relief unto your fellow saints, encouraging them—and as I see you seeking and coming into My presence and I speak to you as a Father unto a son—do you think that I would let those things that transpired in the past prevent you from entering into the perfecting process that I have set into motion in your life?
     Don’t doubt, don’t fear, don’t be condemned by the thoughts that come into your mind of the things that have transpired in your past, for I have utilized them, says the Lord, I have utilized them to perfect you. And I will not leave you, I will not forsake you and I will be with you until the end of the age.
     So shake off all those things that are not of Me. Strip yourself of this clothing of humility when you stand before Me as you are. And know that I love you with a love that far passes your comprehension.
     And know that as you continue to lift up My Son, Jesus Christ, unto the world, that which I have prepared you for shall be accomplished in your life. And that which plagues your conscience of the fleshly works of the past is allowed to remain in you only as an indicator of the glory that is to come.
