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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


January 10, 1999

A Servants Response

     The Father says, through His Holy Spirit:
     There are many in My church whom the enemy has sent great forces of depression and discouragement against in order to immobilize and paralyze them. Many have responded to this state of mind and are even now considering and questioning that which is happening in their lives.
     And there are others enduring the same attacks, who have seen and recognized them as attacks from the enemy and have subdued their flesh and put it under and have cried out in their spirits for guidance from Me.
     In the face of this furious onslaught of the enemy to discourage and dissipate the armies of My church, many have become inactive and many others have become hyper-active, subduing their flesh, putting it aside, and recognizing it as an attack from the enemy. And they have become hyper-active in their spirit, and they have soared high in the heavenlies seeking the source and the cause of this attack. And they have been successful in identifying those places, those areas, and the powers behind these attacks.
     So I urge you who have been affected by this attack to also lay aside your flesh and look for the source of it. And know that the powers that have rallied in an attempt to destroy you have been overcome by My Son Jesus Christ through His work on the cross. And so in the same way, you must die to self and you must rely upon your spirit man and the Holy Spirit within you for discerning that which would attempt to destroy you.
     So look to those who have soared high for they are being uplifted by the wind of My Holy Spirit and they are going long distances and their surveillance, their prophetic eyesight, is keen. And those things that are out of order in the heavenlies they have been swift to attack and to repel the destructive forces sent against My church. For it is not by might, it is not by power, but it is by My Spirit, says the Lord.
     And there are many things that are continuing to occur that are forerunners of that which will occur in the spirit realm. Do not look for stability in the things of the earth. All these things are temporal and the only lasting eternal reality is that which is in the spirit realm.
     And you are My children and you are of My Spirit, not the spirit of this world and his destruction. So know that you have the power to overcome these attacks that have been sent against your body, your soul and your spirit. And by responding to the fullness of the Holy Spirit that is within you, you shall be more than conquerors.
     And as the days of darkness increase in an attempt to put out the light so shall you shine brightly. And those in the world, who are not of My Spirit, shall see that light. And many shall come to you and they shall join that light and the brightness of My glory shall be revealed and manifested to the world through My church.
     Truly did Isaiah say, Arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is upon you. For in My glory and in My power I have made every provision for My church to reflect that glory in the world and to the world.
     Many are filled with doubt and fear which shall grow to panic proportions and much disorder shall come upon your society. But My children must conduct themselves according to the Spirit of Grace that is within them.
     For I have given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions. I have given you power over all the power of the enemy. And by your faith and by choice of your will so shall you overcome, says the Lord.
     Know that the things that are spoken by My true prophets shall respond to that desire within you to see the justice of your God in a world filled with evil that has been spawned by the enemy. For I do not withhold My hand because of a lack of justice, but I withhold My hand in love because I’m not willing that any should perish. And so shall you also likewise withhold your judgement in order that My justice shall be fully consummated.
     For I am a God of love and I am a God of justice. And My mercy triumphs over My judgement. So I withhold justice according to what I have spoken in My word until the fulfillment of all things which have been written for your comfort by My holy prophets of old.
     And in like manner take comfort in that which is being spoken by My holy prophets that are now upon this earth. For they shall birth into your midst those who will be great servants unto you, those who are truly My apostles. And in the process of birthing, so shall My prophets and My apostles become as one in spirit. And become even greater servants unto you because of their most holy alliance with each other. And as you continue to rely upon My Holy Spirit within you to teach you, you shall come to recognize the true from the false, says the Lord.
