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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


A Sinking Submarine

        The Bible informs us that God is love, that Jesus came so that we may have life, and life more abundantly, and where the Holy Spirit is there is liberty. The institutional churches, however, practice, perfect and promulgate selfishness instead of love, death instead of life and bondage instead of liberty. Using tools of the enemy, they divide God’s people, cast doubt upon His word and discourage God’s people by binding them with unscriptural requirements. The fatherless, widows, strangers in the land, the poor, and spiritual Levites are ignored and neglected while the “churches” have paid an exorbitant price to buy themselves more widespread unpopularity.
        The institutional church system is like a huge, excellently built submarine that has, unfortunately, a design flaw. Why? Because the builders did not follow the original design plans. That flaw allows water to leak in from the ocean for the purpose of filling the submarine with water so that it will destroy all those aboard and sink. But the people inside this institutional church/submarine don’t understand this because they apparently can’t read the blueprint plans, although such plans are readily available and very clear as to what they express. So they continue their traditional man-made routines aboard this submarine with frantic attempts constantly being made to patch the leaks, while others continuously bail out the water. But all efforts are useless, because it’s designed to leak, and the only way to solve the problem is to get off the submarine and destroy it and build another one correctly, and according to the original design plans.
        Those who recognize the problem and go aboard the submarine and attempt to explain the problem and point out the original design are ignored. Actually, they are ridiculed, called heretics and backsliders and apostate and are stoned and killed and etc. So those who go through several such experiences and escape being killed quickly learn to not go aboard again.
        In my article “God by the Spirit of Jesus Christ will build an assembly” I talked about the fake ekklesia. In my book “Prophets And Prophecy” I talked about false prophets. In my book “The Overcoming Remnant Bride” I talked about fraudulent believers.
        I’ve traced the biblical and historical development for this sad state of affairs in these books. It’s all in there.
        In the watchman phase of my prophetic gifting I have posted my articles and books on my web site. My prophetic message to those who name the name of Christ follows a biblical prophetic pattern: repent of what you’re doing, turn back to the paths of righteousness as described in God’s word and be healed and restored back to your Creator and fulfill His scripturally stated eternal purpose.
        For those who are aboard this submarine, attempts to correct the situation to reflect God’s word, will and way and eternal purpose, simply amounts to more attempts to “patch” the inside of the submarine or to “bail water.”
        The only option is to get out of the submarine (it will eventually self-destruct, and/or become totally apostate as prophesied in the Bible), abandon it completely, and to construct a new system. And do it God’s way.
        Starting a house church is difficult because people don’t know any other model than the institutional church they left. So they leave the institutional church, but unfortunately although they get out of the “church” they neglect to get the “church” out of them. Although well intentioned they continue to persist in funneling everything they are trying to do for God through the institutional church system that they know. All these entanglements with the paganized, Romanized, traditional human organization of the institutional churches keeps them associated with spirits of selfishness, death and destruction and division, doubt and discouragement.
        Even if they should succeed in getting a house church established along true New Testament principles, they also, like the institutional churches, fail miserably in pursuing and attaining God’s eternal purpose. For many of the same reasons found in institutional churches. But if they can get the “church” out of them and start meeting and conducting God’s business the way God intended then they are at least accomplishing, on a micro basis, the Father’s eternal purpose. Rewards will come not for great accomplishments in this evil world, but for the state of their heart in obeying God’s laws, ordinances, statutes, commandments and precepts, and by demonstrating with their lifestyles that they love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and their neighbors as themselves.
        I have explained all of this in my article “God by the Spirit of Jesus Christ will build an assembly” so won’t go into details again. But it’s there to read, and also “Prophets And Prophecy” and the “Overcoming Remnant Bride.”
        Paul, the apostle, tells us in Ephesians:
        Ephesians 4:11-13:
        11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
        12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
        13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
        I discovered an interesting thing about verse 11 in my studies. In the phrase “pastors and teachers” the word “and” in the Greek ‘is the article “kai.” This word is used in a copulative and also an informational sense. So it doesn’t mean just “and.” To make a long study short, I believe what Paul said was that Jesus has given gifts to mankind, some to be sent, some to speak the mind and counsel of God, and some to be itinerant preachers and some shepherds. In the phrase “pastors” [shepherds] “and teachers” the word “kai” is used in the informational sense and would be better translated as “namely” or some such intent. In other words, Jesus has given us those four gifts of public service—apostles, prophets, evangelists and shepherds—namely as teachers for the maturing (perfecting) of the saints and etc.
        So all of the doma ascension gifts given by Jesus are for the purpose of teaching the body of Christ.
        For what end? To mature the saints for public service freely given (work of the ministry), and to build up the body of Christ (edifying).
        OK, we have a problem. First of all there has to be maturity. Physical and spiritual. Then we have to understand that the “work of the ministry” means public service, freely given. That hits the “professional ministers” right in the pocketbook. A major problem then rears its ugly head—and that is to build up the body of Christ, not their personal kingdom as this is a perversion of what a local ekklesia should be according to biblical teachings.
        If the local elders don’t understand the concept of what I’ve written about, and am explaining here, they continue as the blind leading the blind.
        There is a lack of spiritual maturity, no mindset of public service freely given, and no building up of the body of Christ, just a local personal kingdom for a one-man “pastor/king.”
        Without all the elders being in the flow of the truth of biblical teachings and the Holy Spirit of God, and in one accord in that flow, it’s useless to teach and preach truth. Because it will eventually, if not sooner, be force-funneled through the institutional church mindset and then we are back at square one of the past 1700 years.
        Paul continues in Ephesians:
        Ephesians 4:13: “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:”
        Until we, as the body of Christ, cease to be a part of the problem created over 1700 years ago, and start taking care of God’s business the way He told us to there cannot be unity of the faith. I could go into the same church every week and teach and preach the truth as best I perceive it, but if there is no unity of the faith then when I leave the local elders will continue their brand of institutional church teachings and nothing will have been advanced in the kingdom of God. They plainly do not want to dismantle their power structure and recognize and submit to Jesus as their true Head. Nor do they want to abolish the system whereby they get paid by you. Then they would have to go out and get an honest job and allow the Holy Spirit of God to determine who is to be the under-shepherd in a local group. All that money they scared out of you by their unscriptural statements would be released from being utilized for unscriptural purposes and would allow the fatherless, widows, strangers in the land, the poor, and truly called spiritual Levites to be taken care of as stated in scripture.
        Without agreement and our being in one accord relative to the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God the local body will never become mature, and will never attain to the fullness of the measure of Christ.
        So where does that leave us?
        Paul continues:
        Ephesians 4:14-16:
        14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
        15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
        16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
        That’s where it leaves us: We remain as children, tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Because they want to keep the status quo of the institutional church system. If they do God’s business His way, then they will become bondservants of Christ, and must be forced to look to Him for providing for them. But they don’t want to lose their personal power and security.
        If everybody, both local and extra-local are not in one accord and speaking the truth in love, then the local body won’t grow up into Christ in all things, actually refusing to acknowledge Christ as their one and only Head, through the agent of His Holy Spirit.
        Why? Because the local body is not fitly joined together in all of its parts and joints, and lacks support for all of itself and cannot grow and build itself up in love as each member does its part.
        I’ve discussed the problem and the solution a lot. But change is difficult. In “God by the Spirit of Jesus Christ will build an assembly” I discussed how the problem can be eliminated and God’s solution implemented.
        Internal “patches” and “bailing of water” won’t correct the cause of the problem. And really don’t much affect the symptoms of the problem, either. I have mentioned before that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results each time.
        So if needed change is not made, then the only other solution is to be content with the perverted, self-defeating insane system of the institutional church system. Which, unfortunately, is what most of the saints in this spiritual Babylon system have done and will continue to do.
        That this is a massive problem and involves a mixed bag of millions and millions of people is a staggering fact.
        However, the solution to the problem lies within each and every one of us. If we take the attitude that the solution to this non-biblical fiasco “starts with me,” then we have a good beginning. Yes, it starts with you.
        Step number one is to stop listening to what everybody else is saying what the Bible says. Read biblical dictionaries and commentaries, yes. But first and foremost, read the Bible! Read the Bible! Read the Bible! Forget all this junk about new translations being of the devil and etc. All this is doing is dividing the body of Christ. I said it is dividing the body of Christ. Anybody out there hearing me? The authors of these books and videos are pushing their own private agenda. They want your money, and don’t care about your soul. I said, is anybody out there hearing me?
        Get yourself several good, reputable Bible versions where the translators are named, or a list of their names is available. And read them all and for goodness sake, put your brain in gear when you read them. Pray to God for the gift of discerning of spirits to be activated in you, and pray for Godly wisdom.
        There is a biblical remnant out there, that are overcomers and are now the body of Christ and will be the bride of Christ. If you follow those suggested steps you can be counted as among the faithful of the true house of faith of the house of Israel. Or, you can avoid doing anything and continue in the spiritual Babylon system.
        When you get thoroughly saturated with the Bible and come to a point of not just quoting parts of it from memory, but can explain all parts of the Bible in your own words to others, then you can begin to be the salt and light of which Jesus spoke. Reading the Bible will change you through the power of the word of God. The Holy Spirit will reveal the meaning to you of those parts of the Bible that you have read over and over and just can’t quite seem to understand the way you want to. That is true Holy Spirit revelation, not something some self-proclaimed “prophet” tells you that’s so far out that you have to spend several days convincing yourself that it’s true based on the misapplication of a string of Bible verses taken out of their original context.
        Jesus is the word made flesh. As His disciple, if you continue to read and study the Bible you will have that as a goal for yourself. Your lifestyle will change. Your salt and light will affect those around you. They will ask you questions because they’ll see a difference in you. As you continue to be a “lifestyle evangelist” you will help those who don’t know about the kingdom of God and His Christ. As your life changes, you will change the lives of others. You will be building the kingdom of God and will be bringing all things together in one in Christ, which the ekklesia of God is supposed to do.
        You can either begin to be a disciple of Christ and help fulfill God’s purpose, or you can go on doing whatever it is that you’ve been doing.
        I urge you to get off of that sinking submarine with all of its “patches” and “bailing of water” before it hits bottom or goes totally apostate.
        You can begin to know the love of God, and the abundant life that Jesus promised, and the freedom of the Holy Spirit of God. And get out of that place of selfishness, death and bondage.
        The choice is entirely up to you!

        If you’re dissatisfied with today’s “church” scene, then invest your time in reading some related articles:
“God by the Spirit of Jesus Christ will build an assembly,” discusses the fake church of today.
“The Spirit Of Antichrist,” explains how to remove yourself and your loved ones far from the antichrist influence.
“God’s Will And Purpose,” will help you to understand that you are not in the family of Jesus when you hear the word of God and don’t do it.
“Women Keep Silence, or Don’t Lose Your Head, Please!,” discusses biblical types and antitypes, examples and clear scriptural instructions for scriptural spiritual headship, why Paul the apostle insisted upon it, and the dangers of irresponsibility by the men of the ekklelsia.
“Does Anybody Out There Hear Me?” states the case for the urgent need for biblical home ekklesias in God’s economy as compared with today’s standardized religious institutional mindset.
