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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


August 12, 1998




     I saw a sloop on the water. It had sails with three different colors. One was dark blue, one was gold and the other was purple. Then I saw the sloop itself was white. A glittering, almost shiny white. The sea was fairly calm with just very small ripples. In the water were many people swimming. Then I saw the beach. It was white and sandy and looked nice. Behind the beach there was a town. It appeared to be built sloping upwards on the side of a mountain. It was an attractive, rustic looking town. Cobble stone streets, red tile roofs, the place tourists would love, especially with the beautiful beach. As the side of the mountain sloped upwards, the lush green growth began to thin out and eventually gave way to barren rock, which was at the top of the mountain.
     Back on the water, I saw more sloops, all identical. Each had a person aboard. They navigated the sloop very well and would stop and the occupant would go to the bow of the boat and talk with the swimmers, either in groups or singly. And they would then take some of the swimmers aboard their sloop and go to the beach where the swimmers would get off and begin walking towards the town. I could see that there were many meetings going on in the town, at all different levels in the town. I could see that there seemed to be a progression from the lower level meetings to higher. And at the top of the barren rock at the mountain top there were a few people. These people were jumping up and down and shouting and then would stop and shout down below at the other people encouraging them to come on up higher. And then they would continue to jump up and down and run back and forth, shouting and speaking all the time.
     Again on the water, I became aware that along with the sloops there were larger vessels, some of them much larger. They were self-powered and were also painted white. But upon closer inspection you could see where patches of the white paint were peeling off and there was stark black paint below the white coat of paint. These were also going to where the swimmers were and talking with them and they would take some of them aboard their vessels.
     I then heard the names of these larger vessels. They were called Greed, Fantasy, Lust and Fear. When they had the swimmers aboard they would head out for the open sea, throttles wide open, creating a huge wake as they went. They would disappear over the horizon.


     The sloops represent outreach ministries of individuals of a Spirit-filled local church, or organization. The dark blue sails represent the power of God. The gold represents the divinity of God and here, a distinct move of God. The purple speaks of royalty. These individuals are coming from a church or organization and moving in the power of God, reflecting His divine nature in a distinct move of God, and as a royal priesthood. The glittering white of the sloop indicates their purity. They are entirely dependent upon the wind of the Holy Spirit for power.
     The sea is representative of the contaminated spiritual environment of the world. The calmness of the sea indicates judgment and destruction are being held back. This, with the sandy beach indicates timeliness in the going forth of ministry. The little town is the Spirit-filled and directed church from which the sloops (individuals) came. That it slopes upwards means that there are progressive levels to be attained with the mountain top the highest. It is attractive and friendly and a place people love to visit (tourists). The top of the mountain, barren, and no green foliage is a point of high prophetic revelation.
     The sloops went about their ministries, and when they talked to the people they would go to the bow of the boat. This represents prophetic vision. And as the people responded to the message they were taken to the beach so they might make their way to the church. They apparently would then begin at the lowest level and then would have meetings to encourage and help them to go to a higher level.
     The few people who had attained to the mountain top were enthusiastic and encouraging the others to come up to this highest level. They appeared to be joyful (jumping up and down) and full of the word of God (shouting and speaking all the time).
     The larger vessels are counterfeit ministries. They did not depend upon the Holy Spirit, but were self-powered. They were painted white in an attempt to look pure and genuine. But the purity and genuineness would not “stick” and it would peel off and disclose their true sinful (black) nature. These are also witnessing to the multitudes of the world. And some are also responding to their message.
     Their appeals and witnessing are based upon greed, fantasy, lust and fear. Those that respond are quickly taken to the open sea (fullness of spiritual contamination) under the full power of the counterfeit ministries. The huge wake (waves) they create are indicative of the judgment and destruction they are creating for themselves and they will be lost for all of eternity (disappear over the horizon).


     We must examine our personal and ministry affiliations to determine if they are moving in the power of God, reflect the divinity of God, are moving with God's Holy Spirit. And if they are a royal priesthood, glittering with the purity of holy sanctification.
     In this time of a lull in the full power of God's judgment and destruction the church must organize to bring in lost souls and prepare them for the highest levels of Holy Spirit-filled living. That means the church itself must be prepared to progressively and solidly commit to bring its saints up to the highest level the saint can attain to.
     As the saints move into the revelation knowledge of the prophetic they must be encouraged to give up the lushness of their previous spiritual, and perhaps natural, life. There will be tests and schools of preparation. This will be a barren time for them and they must learn to depend entirely upon the Rock of our salvation for their spiritual, and if need be, physical support.
     Those who have been to the mountain top (experienced the revelations of the prophetic) must be joyful and enthusiastic in encouraging others to come to higher spiritual levels.
     And when they have been sufficiently prepared they will be ready to go to their sloops and exercise their prophetic vision in witnessing to the multitudes of the world.
     We must be aware of the counterfeit ministries. Yesterday's friends and comrades with whom we fellowshipped may now be turned to self instead of God. And others we meet must also be examined to see if they are in the faith. They may look and sound good, but a close examination will reveal their true sin nature. That they have a following is no indication of their true spiritual character and commitment.
     Pray for spiritual discernment. Cease to rely upon sense knowledge. Pray to discern the spirits. You will see greed, fantasy, lust and fear, among other evil spirits.
     Those who are whisked away into the fullness of sin by the power of satan are creating judgment and destruction for themselves.
     By preparing yourself and walking in the power of the true and living God you may prevent many precious souls from being lost for all of eternity.
