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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


May 15, 1998

They Shall Speak

     The Father says that He has not placed you in the middle of the war in order that the enemy should walk over you, but that you are to walk all over him. The areas which I have given to you have been clearly indicated to you and they are areas of victory for you to establish your outposts in order to monitor the activities of the enemy.
     As you continue to place your foot in those areas that I have shown to you, says the Lord, so shall you possess them. And as you possess them, you shall cause the principalities and powers that had staked them out for the devil to flee from their appointed stations in the heavenlies. As they flee, yea, even before they have even thought of fleeing, you must speak to the heavenlies and establish their departure in the spiritual realm and so shall you assure yourselves of a stunning victory that shall be a witness even unto those who are passing by, says the Lord.
     There are many who would say this and that and there are many who would listen to them, but their words are vanity, says the Lord, for they speak not the words that I have given unto them, but they speak flattering words unto themselves. But I have anointed you, I have gifted you, says the Lord to speak My words and they are words of power, they are words of might, they are words of righteousness, and I have given them unto you to proclaim unto the heavenlies and to the world and so shall they become manifest in their due time.
     For I have a time, says the Lord, I have a time for everything, and My time for you is now, and my time for you is tomorrow and my time for you is forever. Did I not speak the things of the creation of the earth into being? How many understand the power that I have given unto them? Yes, My servants, My anointed ones, know that power and they are even now, says the Lord, even now, graduating from their schools that I have sent them to, and they shall soon cover the earth, according to My will and according to My good pleasure, says the Lord and they shall speak, they shall speak, they shall speak and they shall speak My word of power into the earth. Haven't I told you so beforehand?
     My faithful servants will hear My voice, and I will hear the voices of My faithful servants. Do not be dismayed, do not be discouraged, do not be denied, that which I have freely given unto you. For I have given it unto you that you may give unto Me that which is Mine, and that which I love, and that which I have created, says the Lord.
