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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


April 29, 1998

Stanley Steamer



     I began to see an automobile. As the picture began to fill in, I got the words “Stanley Steamer.” As I continued to watch, the car slowly evolved and resembled an old 1900 model car. I saw that it had an open top, and there was a chauffeur seated at the wheel. He had on a cap, goggles and a type of pullover protective suit. The suit appeared to be shiny, and sort of a grayish white. He sat and appeared to be waiting patiently. I became aware of the fact that the car was parked under a tree that had a lot of branches and leaves.
     Then I began to see in the not to far distance, towards my left in the picture, a large parking lot, easily identified as such by the new black asphalt and white lines. I then saw the cars parked there. All newer models (newer than the Stanley Steamer) and many different colors, some bright, some subdued, all sizes and shapes. Then I saw an office building in the background. It was several stories tall, and one wall had a red brick face, with white mortar. Another wall was of tempered glass.
     As I watched the scene, I got the words 4:59. I immediately knew that meant 4:59 p.m. and was seconds away from being 5:00 p.m. Then I saw people streaming out the building, heading towards the parking lot, getting into their cars and driving rapidly away.
     Then the last car was gone, and the picture shifted to my right and I saw again the Stanley Steamer and the chauffeur. Then night began to fall, the picture, got darker and I could still see the old car and driver sitting there.
     Then the sun started to come up and I again saw the old car and driver still sitting there. I could see the empty parking lot and the building behind it. Then the lot began to fill up with cars, and people got out of the cars and headed towards the building. The old car and driver still sat there, very patiently waiting.
     Again, 5:00 p.m. came and the same scene as before repeated itself. People came out and got in their cars and drove off. The old car and driver still sat there. It became night, then the sun came up and the cars filled the empty parking lot.
     The sequence continued to repeat itself and accelerated rapidly. I could still see the Stanley Steamer and the chauffeur sitting patiently.
     Then the vision faded out.


     The Stanley's built their first steam-powered car in 1897. Steam cars could accelerate faster than gasoline-powered cars. A specially equipped Stanley was clocked at 127 miles per hour in 1906. The top speed in a Steamer was limited only by the driver's experience and skill.
     Steamers were very popular until Cadillac introduced the self-starting automobile, which could then instantly be driven, whereas the steamers required a time to warm up. Their popularity declined to a point that they were no longer manufactured.
     The Steamer I saw is a type of God's revelation power (open top). It accelerates faster and is limited in speed (power) only by the driver (the Spirit-filled believer). The chauffeur represents the Spirit-filled believer, with the mind of Christ (cap), and prophetic vision (goggles). The pullover protective suite speaks of our humanity (as containing the Holy Spirit). The tree with branches and leaves emphasizes the healing authority of the body of Christ.
     The black asphalt of the parking lot is the world system. The white lines indicate the delineation of areas of purity to be found in the world. The different cars are the ministries of the individual saints. The office building is the church, i.e., a local ekklesia of God, individual red bricks (clay, covered with the blood of Jesus) cemented together with and by the holiness and purity of the Holy Spirit of God. And with a wall of tempered glass in which to view the things of the world. This wall represents the prophetic people of God that are in the church.
     4:59 p.m. is Ezekiel 45:9: “Thus saith the Lord GOD; Let it suffice you, O princes of Israel: remove violence and spoil, and execute judgment and justice, take away your exactions from my people, saith the Lord God.”
     4:59 p.m. (Ezekiel 45:9) must come before 5:00 p.m. (the year of Jubilee). This is a requisite before we enter, individually, into the year of Jubilee.
     When that time comes for us, many will head back into their old ministries (cars) and continue to repeat the cycle of life, repetitiously. What we fail to see, however, is that the new ministry for the prophetic and the healing anointings to fully accelerate and have unlimited power (speed) we must return, what to us, seems to be an old outdated vehicle of ministry, powerfully anointed by God.
     We can continue with our “self-started” ministries or we can choose to be warmed up by God and move out in His speed and His power.
     In Israel, it is harvest time between roughly the middle of March and the middle of September. 1998 is also the year of Jubilee, to commence next month in May. If we want the “double portion” ministry that God has for us in the prophetic and healing arenas of God's very soon coming accelerated and unlimited outpouring of a new dispensation of His power, we must change “vehicles.” Or we can watch, day by day, as His power sits idly by, prepared and patient.


     The next move of God is going to be an unrecognized spiritual vehicle, with a potential for individual saints of great acceleration and power in their ministries.
     The prophetic and healing ministries will operate in much greater power and anointing than previously experienced in this century. We will return to the days of the raw power of God being demonstrated in his prophets and by His healings. With the mind of Christ, and renewed prophetic vision and a desire to drive, by faith, a prophetic vehicle of great acceleration and power, we shall go forward in the natural to the spiritual climate of the past, and see the dead raised, the sun standing still for a day, the axe head floating, poisonous foods being made healthy, sun dials going forward, mass conversions, shadow healings, walking on water, and the raised Jesus drawing all men unto Him.
     This requires only one thing: that we stop being self-starters and let God warm us up by the intimacy of His presence to a boiling point that will release the spiritual “steam” of His Holy Spirit power within us.
     Selah. Pause and calmly think of that!
