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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


April 19, 1999

Take the Offensive

       The Father says to His church through His Holy Spirit:
       There are many lean times and seasons yet to be endured, because the enemy is attempting to create a lack in order to come against the fullness and the abundance of all that I have for you. My watchmen are reporting the manifestations of that which the enemy has sown in the heart of those who have opened themselves up to the influence of the evil one. The fear, the terror, the horror, the hysteria, the shock that abounds in many parts of the world today have become a source of attraction for the principalities and powers and rulers of darkness of this world. They have fed upon these negative feelings and emotions and have gorged themselves. And now they go walking to and fro upon the face of the earth in order to continue to spread their malevolent manifestations.
       My watchmen have warned of these things. Just as you have listened to them as I have reminded and instructed you in the fullness of My Holy Spirit within you and you have seen the manifestations of My love and My mercy as I continue to pour out abundant grace—and you have listened to My watchmen—so now continue to listen as they speak of the works of the evil one. For their warnings are true and a very large amount of activity in the spiritual realm is determined by the prayers of My saints and by the prophetic utterances of My prophets. So in like manner those of the evil one are putting forth their word as seed in the spiritual realm in an attempt to gain the advantage and continue to spread their reign of terror and horror among those who know not the truth.
       Having been warned, knowing that which the enemy is planning to do, and has in fact, done, My church must begin to take the offensive. And you must bring those who are subject to the authority of My word into agreement and into harmony that there be no divisions in My church. For all those who are truly Mine are My sheep, and I am their Shepherd and they hear Me and they know My voice and the voice of another they shall not follow. You will recognize My voice in the voices of My watchmen and in the voices of My prophets as they speak My words. And I will hear the voices of My sheep, of the many flocks, as they lift up their voices unto Me in worship and intercession that will cause all of the enemy’s words to fall to the ground.
       For I am a God of planning, I am a God of strategy and I am a God of victory. So hear My watchmen and hear My prophets for they are revealing My plans for this hour and for this season unto you, who are My church. And as you continue in faithfulness unto Me you shall see the dark clouds of the demonic begin to be pushed back from those areas where they have so strongly assaulted the people of this earth. As they are rolled back, you My people, will rush in and you will minister powerfully to those who have endured these vicious attacks and be salt and be light unto them.
       By your faith and by your works of mercy unto them then so shall they become instead of victims, a mighty powerful army and part of My harvest as you equip them. For all that the enemy has meant for evil, I the Lord, shall turn it around and use it for good. And the gates of hell will not stand up against My church, and I will have a glorious harvest.
